Saturday, March 2, 2024

Grace for You and You and You and You and also for Me


By far the greatest gift we can give others and ourselves. No wrapped present for a birthday celebration touches the heart like the grace to allow others to be themselves. It is a sweet idea to have a conversation with yourself on how you exhibit grace to those around you. Perhaps getting into a habit of writing a quick not to express the fact that you accept them flaws and all, differing opinions and all. But first…….each of us needs to extend grace to ourselves. None of us gets through a single day without a misstep. Let’s face it some days are ones we should have stayed in bed rather than bumbling through. But at the end of each day we must forgive ourselves and show the grace we have inherited and that we share with others. It is a gift we must first extend to us and then we can give away. 

Rather than placing my head on my pillow and recounting all that I did wrong and all that I didn’t do at all, I need to go over all that I am and whose that I am. My heart matters more than my checklist. So today I will have grace for myself and for you. We may not be perfect or always agree but we are a part of each other’s journey for a reason. For that I am grateful.

Happy thirty-eighth birthday in heaven my Ryan who had grace for so many.

In Him,



1 comment:

  1. Grace is a beautiful gift we can give ourselves and others. I know Jesus loves me so much and grants me grace in abundance that this enables me to share grace all around. Thanks for this post.
