Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Through Me Connecting

 To know Him and to make Him known is our life’s work. Sharing faith is to recruit for heaven but also so that others can have Jesus walk with them. Sharing your journey with all the ups and downs is a way to connect with people. Letting them know that even in the most difficult circumstances, Jesus holds us tight. Being in His embrace and that of those He places in our lives gets us through. 

God’s love flows into us by staying close in relationship with Him. It flows through us as we stay in relationship with others. Whether it is a deep conversation over coffee or a quick chat in a grocer store line connecting to others matters. Every moment is an opportunity to share empathy and compassion with others. 

God gave me the gift of writing that got me through the loss of my son. He has embolded me to share my heart and my words with others. What a gift I get to share in Jesus. It is my most important task each and everyday. 

In Him,



Sunday, October 13, 2024

Greece Adventure with my Ronnie B

 The olive branch stands for the courage to extend friendship, peace, and forgiveness. Good afternoon from Greece where Ronnie B and I are nine or ten hours ahead of most of you. We are on an archeology tour with the most wonderful people. There are less than twenty of us mostly from the southwest and Pacific Northwest. It is such an intimate group that is quickly sharing one another’s life stories and becoming family. 

Tomorrow we end our land portion of the tour and begin island hopping on a cruise ship. There will be more opportunities to swim so I can’t wait. This pool was refreshing and I had it all to myself. Heaven on earth in Delphi. The hotel we stayed in was the Amalia. I love that since our bright and beautiful ten year old grandgirl is Amalia.

Ron and I are having such a wonderful time with the group and with each other. It has been a bucket list for him to study ancient cultures and for me to swim in the Mediterranean. I’m so thankful we are able to share this trip with one another. Today was wine tasting and later a fabulous dinner after another rooftop swim. 

This incredible view of the Parthenon in Athens is where we had delicious breakfast buffets at our hotel the NYX. This is the first night we had drinks at the rooftop restaurant. 
The food, history, culture and people have made this adventure richer than we could have hoped for. It is one off our bucket list. 
In Him,


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fall Sets the Example

 This week the chilled weather has reverted back to abnormal highs but the promise of cooler days is all around me. There will be heaters in the mornings and short sleeves midday followed by a sweater or sweats  in the evening hours. It is such a gift to live where there are four seasons. It is true I am not ready for shoveling snow but I will be when the time comes. Likewise, I will be done with snow and excited for the crocus flowers to peak their heads out to signal spring is on the way. But today I rejoice in this season that is hinting at cooler days ahead. 

Tomorrow I leave on an adventure of my lifetime. I am flying to Athens, Greece to meet Ronnie B for a tour of Greece and her islands. It has been a dream of mine to swim in the Mediterranian.  Now that dream comes true. But the journey to get there has me more than a little nervous. Please pray for me to be like the trees who have to let go of their leaves each fall and have confidence that they will grow back in the spring. I need to be confident that I can fly across an ocean on my own. Right now I am working hard at keeping that peace beyond understanding that God promises through praying for it whenever anxiety threatens. A few weeks ago, I began trying to think of a way out of going. Fear was ruling over my desires to visit Europe and more importantly to have this adventure with Ron. 

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. God be with me. God be with me. Breathe in, breathe out. 
Lord above, comfort me. Give me courage. Help me see. Guide my actions. Guide my words. Let me know my prayers are heard. 

These are my prayers. The guiding my words and actions is for me not to get caught up in my worries and try to escape something that is sure to be one of my fondest experiences. What I am focusing on is that only a year ago I was dealing with long Covid and on oxygen full time. Today I am so much healthier and have the stamina to make this journey. Not only am I capable of flying tomorrow but I have prepared. Like the trees prepare for the upcoming winter by releasing their leaves during these autumn months, I am prepared. My iPad is full of downloaded gems. Snacks are packed along with everything I will need on the journey and once I arrive. Lissa neatly packed and made sure that I didn’t take ten weeks worth of clothes for a two week trip. My suitcase is only half full. This will come in handy as I do a bit of shopping overseas. 

So pray for me to continue to allow peace to fill my heart over the anxiety and fear that threatens to make me bail on the whole trip. Remind me that even if something went wrong, living life is always the right choice. Being cozy at home is wonderful and comfortable. But I want to share adventures with my Ronnie B like it says on the back of our RV. Adventure before Dementia Hopefully there will be many more in our future. But today I am embracing this one with the courage and faith that it will be so much more than I could ever have dreamed of. Soon I will be swimming in the waters of the Mediterranean and fulfilling a lifelong dream. 

In Him,

Saturday, September 28, 2024

As We Lose Our Marbles, Parents Go from Controllers to Influencers One Week at a Time


There are 938 weeks in eighteen years. We parent our children for a season but are parents for a lifetime. If we put a marble in a jar for each week that our kiddos will live under our roof (some more, some less) it encourages us to make the most of the time we have before they strike out on their own. Week one we are in complete control of their precious lives as we feed, nurture and meet all their needs. But as the weeks go by they begin to be able to do more for themselves and rely on us less and less. In the beginning, we have control of most everything but we move from control to influence as the weeks, months and years fly by. Ted Cunningham shares that as parents lose their marbles this is our role~becoming influencers. Obedience is for a season but honor is for a lifetime. 

What is the influence we hope to have in our weekly lives that will be the fiber of our children’s lives for the duration of their lives? Gary Smalley suggests coming up with a family constitution that can be modified over time. Start with a few actions that support your values even in those first weeks. Writing them down makes you more likely to be intentional. Some examples that I had in our home over the years. 

~Eat one meal a day as a family.  ~Pray as a family  ~Clean floor of room before going to sleep or to school  ~Brush your teeth twice a day when you have teeth  ~Read books before bed ~Clear the number of items from the table along with your own plate, glass and silverware except on your birthday.

Whatever yours are will evolve over the years. But checking each one to make sure it matches up with the values and skills you want them to leave home with as they move out on their own is important. Cameron began clearing his own plate before he could reach the sink. Independence and responsibility are necessary to live independently. Faith is so important to us. Not only going to church but keeping Christ in the center of our family. 

When our empty nest and visits to our children’s homes we are tasked to influence our grandkids. Unless our role is babysitter we don’t have to get them to obey us. That is why parents have to work so hard at getting Noni and Papa to obey so we don’t spoil their littles too much. Suddenly ice cream and cookies are the healthy breakfast option. Why can’t we bring candy when it isn’t Halloween? Kids can survive hanging upside down in a tree with a bicycle tied to your waste. My kids survived. When our kids were home we replaced the word please with now. Get over here now. Let your brother down now. Then when we are grandparents we replace please with unless you don’t want to. Come over here if you want to. Put your brother down if you want to. Eat your vegetables unless you would rather have ice cream and cookies. 

Our roles shift throughout our families seasons. What we don’t want to miss out on is instilling our values into our children and knowing that they will be ready to face life on their own as they move from our nest to their own. Put a label on your marble jar that says obedience at the top and influence at the bottom. Remove a marble each week and know that as you lose your marbles your children are becoming who they are going to be even outside their childhood home. 

In Him,



Friday, September 27, 2024

Oxygen Again? Be Grateful not Whiney


Nope, I am not willing to go back to oxygen full time. I need to get my lungs healthy after this last infection. It is strange that when I was so sick last year and tethered to my oxygen I was thankful not resentful. But now that I have only been using it at night I do not want to go back. The past few months I have experienced the freedom of having my inogen in the car but not on my back. I now resent when my numbers dip into the mid-eighties. It has been long enough so my lungs just need to get with the program and work independently. 

Okay, I am being a brat. There are so many who are on life supports for life and will continually lose ground. So I am aware that I am being ungrateful. But I have been recovering not in a progressively worse scenario. Pray for me to be patient and accepting of where my health is at. I join Ronnie B in Greece so I need to be okay if I travel with my oxygen. Being healthy enough to enjoy this trip with or without oxygen support is what I need to be grateful for. Yes, I am trying to convince myself. 

This past week has been full of rest, Vicks, and hydrating. Fortunately, I don’t have much on my plate so the timing works. Ron is in Germany with Cameron and the few appointments I had were easily moved. My goal is to do all that I can, even oxygen support, to get back to health before I board the plane. My tribe has circled me with love and munchies. 

Please pray for me to be patient in this rest season and confident that this lung misstep is only a bump in the road not permanent. Be grateful in all things. I am trying. 

In Him,



Tuesday, September 24, 2024

It is Only Phone Money! Just Obey Each and Everytime

 Yesterday, God prompted me to take my phone money (I keep emergency money in my phone case) and give to the two guys who were dropping off my new oven. Let me back up and tell you that I was frustrated when Lowe’s informed me they didn’t charge me for hookup so it would literally be dropped off without them taking the old one or installing the new one. Ugh! Thank God for John who will come get everything working for me. Giving these two $$ seemed not necessary. Then when I took my case off and realized I only had a $100 bill I was beginning to argue with God’s prompting. A twenty I would have been okay with. But I obeyed and gave them the cash. This led to me sharing that I often hand money to people who are begging so I wanted to reward them for their work ethic. One shared his story of recovery and he has been sober for four months. I shared Tanner’s struggles with addiction and God pressed me to give them my book. I brought back three and signed them in Him. The extra copy will go to someone at his AA meetings. The other guy typed that he didn’t read English but would share the book with his children. He later texted me a big thank you for the $$ and the book. He let me know that he struggled to make it from paycheck to paycheck and the fifty dollars would bless his family. Okay, God was right and I was wrong. Go figure! How sad it would have been if I missed this connection. God knows. I just have to obey. It was beyond worth a hundred dollars to share my testimony with them and God knows who else. So today I am celebrating His direction and my faithfulness. Who knows how the opportunities I missed by questioning if that impulse was Him? If it might be I need to act as if it is. What do I have to lose if it is not? Not as much as I have to gain. That is for sure! After all to know Him and to make Him known is my life’s work one connection at a time. 

In Him,

Monday, September 23, 2024

Yes is for Forever


Oh how I love this verse assuring me that He makes it a sure thing for me to be His and for Him to be mine. There is nothing that can separate me from the love He has for me. I can’t lose it. I didn’t earn it. It was freely given to me and I am moving forward day by day, moment by moment in an everlasting relationship with Him. In this truth I can rest and live with that peace beyond understanding that the Bible talks about. It is not what if but even if life’s storms come that I am not alone. He is not only always here with me but has brought angels in the form of family and friends to walk beside me as well. 

Loneliness is different than being alone. Each of us needs time to be by ourselves with our thoughts and feelings. But loneliness is believing that there is not one person I can reach out and share my heartbreaks with. Not only does God already know me inside and out but He accepts me even when I am at my most vulnerable. Go to God. Then trust that He has placed others you can trust with your open wounds, triumphs and truths. If you count on your fingers those people who can handle your truth, there may be a finger or two extra. Typically, I share my inner most self with one, two, maybe three of you. That doesn’t mean that I don’t trust others but that I need to stop repeating and get to moving forward with the guidance I have been given. There are even different people to lift me up for various situations. Find your people. Speak to God about who those people are and when you can share……..share.

Don’t hold back. Share your heart that takes real courage. God knows how frightening it can be to be completely vulnerable. Do it scared. It is not okay for me to isolate myself. I am made to be in relationship with God first and also with others. This doesn’t mean I let everyone in but it does mean that I don’t keep everyone out. Praying who to trust leads me to the right person to confide in. 

I belong. You belong. He has said yes to us and we need to say yes to each other. 

In Him,