Sunday, November 10, 2024

Pizza, Vegan, Glutten Free or Traditional - Togetherness is Key

 No more cooking all day. Now I can watch football with Ronnie B. Do you think I should grab one soon and make sure it is as yummy as Mom’s was? Or would it be better to wait so the uniqueness of the pizza is a holiday surprise? 

Seriously though there are so many ways to get the deliciousness of Thanksgiving dinner. Last year we had a completely glutten free dinner. Yes,even the stuffing, rolls and pies. A few years ago we were invited to a completely vegan Thanksgiving Both were incredible delectable. One year we had an ordered from grocery store meal and another year it was picked up from a family diner. Most years I cooked or contributed dishes. Whatever way the food is prepared or what ingredients are added or left out, the real joy in Thanksgiving is the coming together of people to enjoy being in the same room.

So this year let’s hope that everything doesn’t go perfectly. After all, the memories ae made through the mishaps. The year Grandma Peabody burned the pumpkin pie or Uncle Billy dropped the mashed potatoes turning them into smashed potatoes. So eat, drink, laugh, cry and wear stretchy pants this Thanksgiving. Invite others who may be sitting alone with a turkey oizza. Let them bring the green bean casserole or paper plates. Just be sure to include others. My prayer for you is an oven that works and that you remember celery doesn’t do well in your garbage disposal.

In Him,



Thursday, November 7, 2024

Senior Teenagers, Elderteens and Tomfoolery

 When I think about life closing in on seventy, I can only be excited for this season of life. More years are behind me than in front of me but I want to make the upcoming years as full of joy as possible. It would be a waste to dwell on what has come and gone rather than rejoicing in what is here and now. No,  I don’t ski or kayak any longer but I do have time to read and connect with family and friends. Although I no longer have my kids in my house or kids in a classroom, I do have adventures with my grown children and their families. 

This picture is a reminder to me that I can skip hand in hand into old age with my people. I want to be one of these ladies that are enjoying life in their season of wrinkles and white hair. Energy will decline and activities will need to be adjusted accordingly. But getting into the spirit of tomfoolery and fun can be accomplished even from a rocking chair. Joy is an attitude in whatever season I am in.

 It is a choice I want to make daily to know that even if my eyesight fails I can always listen to a good book or a tv show that gives me the chuckles. Oh those Golden Girls had my Mom giggling up until her final days. She enjoyed life even as her life was slipping away. The day before she died she was goofing with us. The same was true of my dad. His final day he was surrounded by family and friends who began telling stories of their mischief with him. He hushed them as he implied he didn’t want to remind God of his orneriness just before arriving at the pearly gates. My grandma said she loved old age because others thought she didn’t understand when she said something a bit off color. Teehee, she knew exactly what she was saying. My parents and grandparents set a fantastic example how to live life as senior teenagers and embrace what is and what will be.

In Him,



Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Mixed Emotions, a Lifetime of Joy

This is Caleb, my great grandson. To be fair all my grandsons are great but Caleb’s mom is my granddaughter. This week,  I had the pleasure of going with him to his Halloween party at the Methodist church. The fellowship hall has been a part of our journey for decades. They left the concrete floors uncovered so the room can serve as a skating rink on Friday nights, toddlers ride their trikes around, and potluck plates can easily be cleaned up when they fall unexpectedly. 

Over the years this space has held many of my kids birthday parties, graduation events and even our son’s goodbye party. Ryan isn’t here to see his sweet, look alike grandson enjoying the space he spent a lot of his special moments. But here I am snuggling Ryan’s twin as his Noni. 

This didn’t make me sad but I did have to take a few moments to breathe. The fact that forty plus years ago I was told that I could not conceive a child. There were too many tears as I lost hope of being a mom. Then God formed our family through adoption. Here I sit with Caleb on my lap and I get to be his Noni. Our family is flourishing with littles as my kids grow their families. 

I thank God for my Ronnie B who never gave up on our dream of being parents. The adoption journey not only gave us the family we so desired but connected our lives to our birthmom’s families as well. Natalie’s birth grandma, Phyllis, and I have spent a lifetime connected. What a gift to have extended family through our chosen family.

So today I celebrate that I get to be a mom, Noni and that there are moments even in a place with mixed emotions where smiles erupt. Caleb is definitely Ryan’s mini me and I adore this sweet two year old. This last picture is of Ryan at three years old.

In Him,




Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Creating a New Routine/Habit

 We don’t ever forget to brush my teeth or put on shoes when I leave the house. Something’s are just automatic in our lives. We get up and put on the coffee, tinkle, and put on our robe if it is cold.  So what do we want to do that we don’t do? Hmmmmm. It may be that we need to make it a daily thing until it becomes a daily thing. Yes, that is what I said. What if weI want to empty the dishwasher every morning but don’t? Then the dirty dishes pile up on the counter. Messy kitchen causes stress. So if we get up put one the coffee, tinkle, and empty dishwasher for two weeks straight then perhaps that becomes as ingrained as grabbing our purse and keys when we get in the car. 

So what is something we want to add to our routine? This will be different for each of us. Is it going for a brisk walk, making your bed, drinking a large glass of water, reading, or sitting in a sunny spot just being quiet before the day begins? Perhaps it is a nightly routine you want to add. Maybe you want to lotion your legs before getting into bed or kiss your spouse goodnight. What ever it is doing it intentionally and regularly will make it a part of our routine just like washing your hands after a potty stop. 

Seems I have been talking about toileting a lot in this blog. Maybe I will need a quick stop before my second cup of coffee. Definitely too much information. So I will leave you with your thoughts on what you want to add to your routine while I figure out mine. 

In Him,



Monday, October 28, 2024

Shifting the Way I Spend My Time


Today Chrystal challenged me on her podcast with what are my dreams…….not my goals but my dreams. Like how do I want to spend my life now and with the time I have left. Realistically most of us have about eighty years to live life to the fullest if we are lucky. So what are my desires? How do I want to spend my time not necessarily how do I need to spend my time? This is a different list than my to do list or my should do list. It is my what fills me up as opposed to what wastes my time. 

Jenn deleted games from her phone because she was spending too much time playing them. I have done this time and time again only to add them back on my home screen. This is one time suck that I would love to permanently replace with spending time on what fills me up. 

So sitting here this early morning where it is dark outside, I am creating a list of my dreams or to put it another way, things that deserve my time and energy. What have I always loved that I no longer make time for? Here I have more free time than I have ever had with an empty nest and I don’t spend my days doing what I love. 

So here goes. Recognize these are mine not yours. You would need to make your own list. Is it the same list I had in my twenties? Nope. Life has changed me. I also recognize that the scars of life have made me resistant to engage in somethings that I would love to do. Hmmmm, how do I resolve those things? Perhaps baby steps to get the courage to walk back into them. Being a people person has always been how I identify as a people person but the fact is that I mostly avoid groups and even phone calls. My dream has never been to isolate but I find myself pulling away or not stepping in at this time of my life. The phone games and watching programs on my iPad are evidence of this. They say success builds success and stepping in will remind me that I am still a people person and hopefully change my days.

Oh to spend my time in ways that will fill me up with dreams come true.

Connecting with others. Crocheting prayer blankets for newborns. Swimming or just being in the water. Connecting with Jesus. Sharing Jesus. Writing. Spending time with those who call me Noni. Spending time with Ron. Camping in my Chinook. Traveling. Coffee, Bible study and writing at 5am. 

I am sure there are a lot more that should be on this list. But as I reflect on how I spend my time it becomes clear where I am succeeding in my days and where I am falling short. So rather than beating myself up for not prioritizing correctly, I want to make an action plan and celebrate where I am getting it right. The trouble I have is two-fold at least. Procrastination and reluctance stop me from stepping into the life I long for. I procrastinate swimming but find myself reluctant to reach out to others. Why is it easier for me to chat in a grocery line than to call a loved one on the phone or give an invite to get together? I think Covid and the hectic pace of life have made us less likely to sit around our dining room tables enjoying conversation. 

You don’t need to be bored with my game plan to make the changes I want in my days. But I know it will involve being intentional about shifting my time. Just deleting games on my phone is not enough. I need to put the yarn basket next to my spot where I watch tv. Setting up a list of those I want to connect with and even a once a week or once a month plan to call or get together is necessary. But these are only going to change if I follow through. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Worth the Watch and Yes I May be Bossing You a Bit

I don’t typically put a YouTube video on my blog but this is timely and the best word I have heard for our hearts, our leaders, and our country. No, Megan does not endorse a candidate but she reminds us to lead with love and prayer. The Bible calls for us to pray for our leaders not if they our pick but for our leaders. If you watch this video all the way through you will see her take the time to have her church write out a prayer for our next president. First, she reminds them that we need to pray for them in love and even reminds them what love is according to the Word. Then she turns it back on us. Read your prayer as if it is to yourself. Yes, you need the love, encouragement and integrity that we pray for our leaders and our nation. 

My prayer is always that the next president gets a second term. That means America is doing well. Historically, we reelect when things are good and not when our country is falling apart. What I have not considered is to pray for them with love throughout the election and throughout their term in office. Now I have more than cookies to bake on Election Day. 

Megan collected the prayers from her church and will send them to our next president in January. Will they be seen? Surely, they will be seen by someone’s eyes. More importantly, they were written with love from God’s people supporting whoever has the country in their hands.

 Let me know if you watch this and how it impacts you. I only recently discovered Megan’s teaching and am guided by her words in my Bible study and in my prayers. Please know I love you that take the time to read my heart and it doesn’t matter who you vote for or if you vote at all. What I know is that God has this in His hands even if it doesn’t play out the way I think it should. Go figure, God may know more than me and see the bigger picture. 

In Him,



Saturday, October 26, 2024

Parenting Can Require Smell Proof Masks and a Glove or Two


Being a mom can certainly be a shitty situation at times. My daughter has a one year old and a four year old and yesterday was quite an eventful day. Felix came home from school after he threw up. Poor little guy had a tummy bug. 

Let me back up. So Natalie and I were talking about how to declutter and how to know if you should keep something or get rid of it. She is a family of four in a six hundred fifty square foot apartment. Not a lot of room for all the stuff you need with kids. She told me someone told her to give every item the poop test. That if said item was covered in poop would you clean it or throw it away. If the answer is to toss it don’t wait. Just get rid of it now. That sort of makes sense and now back to the story at hand. 

As we were talking, Felix had a bathroom emergency that made us hang up. Natalie called back and shared that he had a blow out diarrhea and poop was everywhere in the bathroom. Auggie her toddler was in danger of getting into the whole disaster so she scooped him up to take him into the living room. What she failed to notice was that the stinky mess was also in the hallway. She slipped and the both of them went down into the brown abyss. She finally got Auggie settled with toys and Felix in the tub and began the cleanup. Her bladder wasn’t what it used to be before having two kiddos so her own piddle to the madness. 

Oh the joy of motherhood. These are the moments we must chuckle to avoid crying. It is also important to put these moments on paper so we don’t forget the details of just how messy parenting can get. Natalie is a great writer and I hope she will recount this adventure in her own words but I am here to document for her just in case. How was your day yesterday? Was it as aromatic as the Madlem’s household. 

She called me later that evening and told me she gave up and threw the bathroom rug away. Dragging it downstairs to the communal laundry didn’t seem like it was worth it. So we had come full circle in our communication. She now knew exactly that she wouldn’t save a rug that was covered and smelly. Hmmmm, perhaps she should have thrown it out earlier. Just a thought. 

In Him,
