Here I sit with the morning sun pouring in through Goldie, our rv’s, windows at the Columbia River on the border between Washington and Oregon. This is one of my favorite journeys in our country. Ronnie B and Cora are out in the brisk morning air doing winter solstice measurements on a petroglyphs we have stopped at often over the years. I just finished my Bible study in Titus and wanted to share the peace in my heart while I sip my black coffee.
Today is Gramma Peabody’s birthday and she only let me drink coffee if I drank it black. To this day that is the way I take my cup of joe. She was born in 1910 so would be well into her hundreds if she were not currently celebrating in heaven. Emma Peabody was quite a character and I am proud to say that a lot of my randomness and lack of filters are attributed to her. What a gift it was to grow up with her example of enjoying life with just enough of an inappropriate edge to keep others guessing at her thoughts. I can’t say I miss my grandma because so much of me comes from her. That means I see her orneriness in my personality almost daily.
Gramma and Grandpa are also examples of how Ron and I travel in our little casita on wheels. They always slept in their trailer not in relatives homes. They ate breakfast together to allow for time as a couple but also so the family had their time. That works for us and those we are visiting. My kids never got to know my Gramma but I let them know how much they would have enjoyed her. She was self taught on a wide variety of subjects and she could make a sailor blush with her language but only when Grandpa was out off earshot. Emma drank coffee exclusively because she said water would rust her pipes. She tried to be a good influence but her nature was to shock us with her wit. Once, she shared that grandpa had slowed down as he got older……….she liked it! With a glimmer in her eye she let us know that marital relations were not just for the young but also for the young at heart. Oh gramma, you helped me have a marriage to my best friend for almost fifty years by keeping life fun.
So here I sit remembering my Gramma with my black coffee and the sun beating down on me. I share her love of all things water and swimming as well as her adventurous personality. My fish tank is in tribute to her even though it is not her tank. Hold on to the connections that keep us together even decades after someone is gone.
Today we will begin our holiday season with family and make memories that will last long after Ronnie B and I have joined our parents, grandparents, Ryan and Hector in heaven. Let’s hope our kids understand if this Noni has to share a few inappropriate moments for affect.
In Him,