Sunday, February 11, 2024

You do You……….Do You Know Who that is?

 You do you…………….. don’t we first have to establish who we are? I listened to a Bible study that asked just that question. Ultimately we are accumulation of our experiences, habits, feelings, and self identity. How can I do me if I am not who I want to be or think I am? Part of becoming who we are is to figure out who we are. Am I that person who hits snooze on my alarm ten times before getting up? Or am I the one who gets up an hour before my alarm goes off?

Susi, my college roommate, will tell you I not only drove her nuts with the alarm clock that was actually hers. But on several occasions I would not reset her alarm so she was late or missed her classes. How does she still love me? Now I have evolved and am typically up at 5:30am. Back then I would have said doing me was squeezing every moment of sleep out of the morning at Susi’s expense. Now I am the early riser who wants quiet time before others rise. I am disappointed if I sleep to seven because it shortens my day. On the other side, I am early to bed. This works out perfect so Ronnie B gets his quiet time in the evenings. 

What adjectives do you use to speak to yourself about who you are? If you are being honest there will be those that you long to change and those you fail to recognize. It is difficult to toot our own horns and may require asking a friend or family member who we are to get the positives. I can honestly say I am generous because others have pointed this out to me. Along with that I am horrible at managing finances, procrastinate even activities I enjoy, and have great ideas I don’t follow through on. Each of us is a mixture of who we are, who we want to become, and how we have evolved. 

Before I can really do me I have to examine who I am and how that impacts what I do. My perception of me is as important as who I actually am. The next step is aligning who I want to be with what I want to do.  How many of us have a life goal/purpose? Mine is to know Him and make Him known. What I recognize is that I can’t share my faith with others if I don’t live in my faith through relationship with Jesus. So here I am back to my alarm clock. The reason I love my quiet time each morning is that I spend time with Jesus  in relationship getting to know Him better. So doing me had to change my morning routine. Sorry Susi that it took me so long to establish the new me. Thanks for putting up with me doing me all those years ago.

In Him,



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