Sunday, January 24, 2010

Knee Socks and Razor Blades

There are times in all of our lives when we feel embarrassed or humiliated and just don't think we can face those around us. Times when we think others will never see us the same. I believe this starts when we are young and other children tease. Little ones, although adorable, can be so unkind. I remember when I was in 6th grade one such mortifying event.

I had just begun shaving my legs and under my arms. How mature I felt! I had surely passed from childhood into womanhood. Some of the other girls were still running around with all that nasty hair on their legs. GROSS!

My friend Dayna was not allowed to shave her legs. She decided the best solution was to wear knee high socks everyday. This was a pain since we lived in Phoenix, and it was over 100 degrees outside. Her cover up solution became an even bigger problem for her when she tanned on her knees and thighs and her calves were as white as snow. Now she really had a dilemma. She was sure she would spend the rest of her life in knee socks. No way was she walking around with pale, hairy legs.

I felt sorry for Dayna but was so glad I didn't have her problems. Oh, but then it happened. While expertly shaving under my arms, I brought my new razor way too close to my face. Oh no, I shaved off half of my eyebrow! What in the world was I going to do? No knee socks could cover up my missing brow.

I decided the only possible solution was to stay home for the next 3 months while it grew back. My mom thought she had the perfect solution: eyebrow pencil. Well, it wasn't perfect, but it might work. I decided to brave it out and go back to school.
What I hadn't bargained for was what the AZ sun and heat did to eyebrow pencil. Since I was self conscious I am sure I made matters worse by trying to hide my mom's artwork with my hands. Needless to say before the first recess, my newly designed brow was all over my face, and my freshly shaved brow was visible to the world.

Each of us has hairy legs or missing eyebrows to contend with in life. Each of us needs to be more compassionate and less condemning of others circumstances. Bet you all have good stories of your own! It is easy now to look back and smile at ourselves.

In Him,

1 comment:

  1. I love this one. It has a great message. I'm daily amazed at your writing ability! You're full of all sorts of secret talents!!
