Monday, March 7, 2016

Sharing My Story, One Post At A Time

This blog is just over 6 years old. Through these years I have written everyday, gone weeks without writing, and reposted entries that needed to be retold. It began with a sweet, young lady who needed a pen/keyboard to pick up instead of a razor blade. Her 'craving the blade' addiction to cutting was the beginning. In the beginning, I called my kids and shared the posts that were sweet stories about them. Along the way I have met other writers who read my words and connect through them. It has been one of the most powerful, healing gifts I have ever given myself.

There are many reasons I am thankful for this blog. Leaving my life story for family and friends feels right. The act of putting into words what is in my heart heals me. Connections come through the sharing of hearts. Some who read are lifelong friends. Some who read are people I will never meet except through this connection.

Over the years I have suggested to others that writing is soothing. My suggestion is to start a blog but not to share the site with others at first. When those we love read our words the tendency is to filter to protect them from the truth. Writing with abandon is powerful. Others will find your posts and connections form. Sharing with those you trust is also important. I am thankful to those who share their stories with me. What an act of faith to share your heart with someone else.

I wish I blogged everyday. I try to blog everyday. But a few years ago I stopped beating myself up when I let days pass without blogging. Letting life unfold and words flow is a part of the journey. It is true that I feel better when I share through my writing. So I will continue to strive to sit at the keyboard often. As I age I see that I need to be kinder and more accepting to others but also to myself.

I write and for that I am thankful. 

In Him,

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