Sunday, July 30, 2023

A Little Ice for my Knee and Me

 Ice, ice baby………… important is ice to you? Canadians don’t use a lot of ice. At least that is what I believe. When we drove to Alaska and through Canada, we couldn’t find ice in any gas station for our sodas. I can’t imagine not using ice since my coffee needs to be steaming hot but everything else needs to be chilled almost to a slush. Roshan who is from Nepal lived with us for a summer and he simply didn’t use ice. I am amazed by my friends who have ice makers where the ice isn’t used. What are they thinking?Unless I am out of town my ice maker has fresh ice since I am continually using it. Now I am using even more since I injured my knee. Ice packs are my friend. 

Water is precious and life sustaining even when it is not in its ice form. But oh the joy of ice, oh the healing of ice. Some like Sonic ice so much that refrigerators now come with an option to make custom ice. Nina told me she likes snowcone ice so it will turn every drink into a slushy. Julie has ice that her fridge makes that are golf ball sized spheres. All of us should be grateful for the ice that we have in our life. I remember the days when I had to purposefully fill ice trays and hope they froze before the ice in my glass melted. 

Now why the heck did I start writing about my love and appreciation of ice? Because it is important to be grateful for even the little things in life. I have been sitting with my knee elevated and chilling under ice. Although I am bummed that my knee is broken and may need surgery, I want to be thankful for the ice that relieves the pain while its sister ice is filling my water. 

If you are like Jenn and Pat be a dear and go dump your crusty old ice so I can have fresh when I come to drink lemonade with you. Happy summer.. Stay hydrated. Chill out.

In Him,



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