Friday, July 28, 2023

Any Day Now has to Begin with Today!

  Any Day Now…………..

What if I woke up today, tomorrow and each day saying to myself any day now? Rather than waking up and wringing my hands at what is and continues to be brokenness in the lives of those I love. Speaking hope rather than fear into our circumstances seems like the way to go. Just like Mel Fischer started his day with today is the day, his positive persistence lead him to keep seeking rather than throwing his hands up and walking away from the treasure that would eventually be his. 

At the pool Jesus asked the man who had laid there for decades waiting and complaining that someone always beat him into the water. Do you want to be healed? It seems like an odd question given that he lived his life by the water seemingly hoping to be healed. But the truth is that his complacency had led him to just accept that this was how his life was going to remain. He didn’t have a strong enough desire to do everything he could to get well. Isn’t that how so many of us live in situations that we say we long to change but aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to change. 

This has been a sit-me-down sort of year. 2023 has seen me with deflated energy due to long Covid and now a torn mcl in my knee. But what am I doing in the healing and quiet of this time of life? Not what I hope to do that is for sure. Rather than playing mind numbing games on my phone and watching way too much HGTV and predictable Hallmark movies, I could be reading, writing, connecting with friends. Also I could be working on eating healthy since I always say that losing weight and getting healthier is what I desire. But do I? Do I want to be healed, thin, closer to others? Or have I become so accustomed to my chubbiest and isolation that I am looking at staying in this place from now on. Or can I wake up and say any day now and begin moving toward the pond and the healing? Too many times I have deleted all the games on my phone only to reinstall them. So how do I move toward healing in a different way? They say doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is foolishness. So perhaps my first step needs to be to come up with a new plan, fresh goals and begin in a new direction. 

Any day now can start today if we want to be healed, unburdened and live the life we say we desire. So join me in starting our days with any day now and today is the day that I take a step toward any day one choice at a time. 

In Him,

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