Monday, August 21, 2023

You Must Drink Your Coffee Black Because I Said So

 Yes, that is a fact. There is no room for debate. Drink coffee and oh by the must drink it black. Whether it is a smooth Americano or trashy hotel room coffee drink it black. You must drink a minimum of two cups in the morning before eating anything. This is nonnegotiable. 

Does that sound ridiculous? Of course it does. But on other subjects that are also easily debated, many of us stomp our feet believing every other person should fall in line with our beliefs. I am so guilty of this especially with my adult children. Heck, I have changed my mind on even what is the best toothpaste and cleaning products over the years. How can I be trusted to make decisions about what others think when I so readily change my own mind. 

My favorite line lately about things that are political or global is that I am so glad that I don't have to be the one who has to figure it out. I can barely choose what undies to put on in the morning. Okay, that is a bad example....all my undies are pretty much granny panties at this stage of life. 

I am the only cousin who followed Gramma Peabody's rule to drink our coffee black. It is how I am used to it and how I enjoy it. But I am fine if you put cream and sugar in yours or if you choose to not drink it at all. I don't understand a life without coffee but who am I to judge? Isn't it the same with how someone parents, votes, spends their money or where they worship? 

I am so dreading the next year plus until the 2024 elections. Ronnie B and I are choosing to go on a tv diet starting in January. My plan is to snooze anyone on social media from both sides for ugly comments. It saddens me that our kiddos have to watch adults behaving so badly. The only control I have is how I act and how I drink my coffee. Oh and how I can disengage in the divisive chaos that will only ramp up next year. Too bad we can't have our opinions and be willing to let other people have theirs. Judge not? Maybe we all need to practice that a whole lot more. 

In Him,



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