Thursday, September 28, 2023

A Cup of Joe with Me, Myself and I

 Oh the little pleasures in life like waking up to a fresh cup of black coffee. The quiet of my home as Ronnie B sleeps upstairs and I have a couple hours to myself to start my day with Jesus and my favorite blend. Life moves at a quick pace even during retirement. The gift of family and friends keeps our calendars full along with the increasing need for doctor’s visits. Gramma Peabody said if you don’t drink coffee black you can’t drink it. I am still drinking mine black and unflavored remembering our special times together. Her vast teacup and saucer collection was never for tea but for Folgers in her cup. 

There are so many small pleasures that remind us of others in one way or another. I love sharing life while also coming to enjoy moments alone. As I age, I am getting better at being not always doing. It used to make me restless to have quiet time but now I treasure it. Of course, having a friend stop by to chat over coffee is also a gift worth savoring. My life is filled with those who just drop by and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. 

Now to stop moving my fingertips over this keyboard and get back to the coffee beside me. However you choose to drink your coffee or even your tea, I hope you can take a moment to pause with it. Running out the door with a cup should only be a last resort. Coffee and quiet time deserve to be savored. Yes, that might mean setting the alarm a little bit earlier. But trust me your whole day will be improved even with the loss of sleep.

In Him,



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