Monday, February 17, 2025

Embrace the Fun Facts and Relationships


I feel like lately I have been writing heavy words about relationships and their complexities. Several people have asked others, not me, if I was writing about them. Probably not. I actually spoke with who I was sharing my heart about. So today I just want to step back from the woes of life and embrace the simple things that make me smile. 

I love that on Facebook I get to see puns and silly coffee mimes. They brighten my day. Last night Lissa, Ron and I made a wonderful dinner to share with people we love and the togetherness was even more delicious than the food. 

Usually our grandkids are all about their Papa and at this moment in time Caleb is all about Noni. It may not last but I am loving it right now. Yes, I do want to be the favorite at times and truthfully so do you. Caleb is a two year old bundle of energy and he is a lot to handle when I am approaching sixty-nine. But the joy he brings with his smile and sweet voice are worth being a bit tuckered out. He has been potty training so I took him out to the bucket on the backporch where Felix learned to be a fountain boy and pee standing up. Caleb had a routine. He went through the mud room put on Papa’s hat, climbed through the doggie door and then approached the bucket. I gave him a coin every time he went. Let me just say that he has incredible abs because he could push out a few drops every few minutes. At this rate, he will be rich, Lissa will be richer for not buying diapers, and Noni will be poor. Glad he doesn’t see the difference between pennys and quarters and that coins are more fun than dollars. I couldn’t get by with that with most of my grandkids. 

Ronnie B is leaving tomorrow for ten days and Lissa and I may make a quick trip for fun. She is a great mom and works hard taking a full college load and raising two littles. All work and no play doesn’t work. So we are pushing hard to complete all the tasks before Thursday and then spending a couple days being carefree. Now that is something I am looking forward to but know that the three of them have more energy than the one of me. Pray I pace myself. 

In Him,



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