Sunday, April 18, 2010

God Bless You Bags

Step 1: Stock up at Sam's Club or Costco...salty snacks, sweet snacks, capri suns, 3x5cards, brown paper bags, individual moist towelettes, colorful markers.
Step 2: Gather friends to decorate the bags, stuff the bags, and write inspirational sayings or Bible verses on cards.
Step 3: Laugh and be creative while creating bags.
Step 4: Keep a stash of bags in the backseat of your car.
Step 5: Find someone who looks like they could use a bag. Ex. homeless person, parking lot attendant, basket guy at Walmart, old couple on a park bench, anyone will do.
Step 6: Give them a bag and a smile.
Step 7: Person will say, "God Bless You."
Step 8: Feel good about yourself and have a much improved day.

In Him,

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