Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unexpected Day Of Rest

Staying home sick, sitting here cozy, drinking tea was not my plan for today. But when your body tells you in no uncertain terms to lay low, it is a pretty good idea to listen. It seems like this day off of lounging with a box of kleenex, an arsenal of drugs, and a trash can, came just when I needed it. The past few weeks have been hectic and emotional. So a day off, though not planned, has helped me recharge and reflect.

It is tough for any of us to take time off but, for a special ed teacher, the trouble was I had no sub plans for a substitute to teach my class. Thank goodness for Tammy and the internet. I emailed her the outline of the day and rolled over and went right back to sleep. It is nice to have a partner who can carry the class when I am not there. But this year she is only in my room for 45 minutes a day.

Wonder if I will be back at work tomorrow. Hopefully, cause that will mean these aches and pains are gone. I am thankful for the time to catch up on sleep and a bit of reading. Illness aside it was nice to have a jammie day.

1 Thessolonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

In Him,

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