Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Friends Are Family We Choose For Ourselves.

Proverbs 27-9 nlt       The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.
My life friends are those who just love me and are happy when we can be together whether it is once a year or once a week. Life friends pick up with the conversation of sharing lives as soon as you finish the warm, bear hug at the door.  This holiday I was blessed to spend time with 2 of mine that I haven't had time with in months. The joy of these relationships is that time is spent catching up and sharing feelings. At this time of my life that includes a lot of talk about our grown kids and grandkids.

There is nothing that is off limits with Susi and Julie we take turns crying and laughing about the paths our lives have taken us on. Not all of life for mid 50 year old women is wonderful but the friendships that withstand the years and the distances between visits are precious.

These amazing ladies put into prospective for me the daily friendships I currently have in my life. Some are definitely life friendships while others are because of location and circumstances. In our lives there is room for both types of relationships those that last a lifetime and those that last a season. Our lives are richer because we have people in them to share life with.

I am thankful God has placed so many amazing people on my life path. Those that were there for a season brings a smile as I remember our times together. Those who are still a part of my life and will always be I cherish. The times together may be short and less and less often with all our busy lives but there place in my heart is always there.

"Friends are family we choose for ourselves."

In Him,


  1. Hi there, Great post and I totally agree. I've often struggled with categorize my friendships and the depth or lack of depth that encompass them. I tend to be a friend that will be there thick and thin, forever, and until it is clear that the other person doesn't feel the same way, I just hold on. I love those friends we've known for 30+ yrs-such a rich history.
    Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Noreen

  2. nice post thanks for sharing! blessings soraya
