Thursday, October 1, 2015

To Second Guess Or Not To Second Guess

Somedays it is hard to not second guess ourselves. For me I feel the weight of my student's success and hope that the choices I make for them, the plans I implement are going to support them in their success. Being at a middle school in the PSP Positive Support Program is the last chance for some of these kiddos to turn it around and succeed in school. It is my job to convince them that it is possible for them to succeed.

Masks are placed on kiddos when they believe they can't and that others believe they can't too. I have watched more than one student turn in a test with the comment that it doesn't matter they didn't try anyway. They would rather present of not caring than being perceived as stupid. So many of the acting out behaviors stem from a lack of confidence in themselves.

Ms. Jenn has a sign that reads~Hurt people hurt people. This is so true. Students that lash out are hurting. It doesn't mean we look the other way to their actions. It does mean we need to figure out why they are hurting and give them better strategies to react to their pain.

Yesterday, I changed a schedule for one of my students who is struggling. He is going to come to school a little later and hopefully reworking his schedule will get him out of patterns of misbehaving. All night I worried that I made the wrong decision for him in the schedule. I reworked it a dozen times in my head. This matters. He matters.

What I concluded after all the doubts was that we need to move forward with the new plan and can adjust again if it doesn't bring him more success.

Life is hard and being a middle schooler is the hardest. Fitting in is so important to teens image of who they are. For those that don't fit in academically, socially, or physically, life is almost impossible. We adults in their live must take every opportunity to value them and help them see how important they are.

Somedays I come home feeling like I have accomplished smoothing out life for my heart kids and others I feel completely ineffective. It is a daunting task and I am honored that I get to go in day after day to adjust what isn't working and applaud what is positive.

In Him,

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