Monday, December 7, 2015

Christmas Decorating Attitude Change

I wish I was one of those people who get so excited to decorate that they can barely wait for Halloween to be over. It is just not me. Oh I love my decorations and the memories they bring back. There is even the need in me to place them in the exact same spot year after year. The familiarity of our Christmas decor is comforting and I very much enjoy when the house is dressed up for the season. It is just the act of decorating that I dread. An attitude adjustment is what I need.

A warm, glowing attitude is what I need rather than a tangled mess of an approach.

Maybe it goes back to the exact reason I feel the need to take a bubble bath every Christmas day. The frantic pace and overwhelming 'to do' list that is Christmas somehow results in dreading rather than embracing certain parts. It turns them into chores rather than treasured tasks. I guess I need to apply my bubble bath theory to sprucing up our house and the tree. A glass of wine and some soft music should help. However, I don't think I will go so far as to string the lights on the tree naked and dripping wet. That could result in a shocking moment in more ways than one!

In Him,

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