Friday, December 4, 2015

Stress Of Procrastination

Why do I avoid necessary things like getting my teeth cleaned? I build up the fear in my mind until I am convinced that I can't possibly endure it.  The shame of waiting 5 years without going, the thought of how painful it could be, the worry that I don't floss enough or eat the wrong foods fills my. I build it up in my mind until it seems impossible to go through. But I am proud to share that yesterday I went and kept my appointment.h  Ron drove me so I could take a pill my Doc gave me to relax.

The hygenist was so kind, not judge mental, and it was not horrible.  I didn't bleed like an open vein as I envisioned. She deadened my whole mouth so I didn't have horrific pain. So why did I avoid this for so long?

That happens to all of us. We blow something up in our mind as unbearable, avoid it for way too long, stress over putting it off, then realize it must be done. A $10. Parking ticket turns to $100., taxes with extensions filed finally get done. The putting off of the 'have to do lists' waisted so much brain space.  I wish I would just change my patterns and do whatever it is I need to do immediately and save months or years of grief.

Guess I will get busy and get those Christmas cards in the mail---soon!

In Him,

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