Friday, April 20, 2018

Cool To Ride A Dragon

We had so much fun when our granddaughter, Kayla, was here for her tenth birthday. Rock climbing, horseback riding, and roof walking were on the agenda. So after riding horses at the McClellan ranch, Ron asked Kayla what it was about riding horses that made it one of her favorite things to do. She thought a few minutes and then explained.

It would be so cool to ride a dragon but there are no dragons. So riding horses is almost as cool.
This clear explanation was followed by their in depth discussion of what it would be like if you could raise a dragon, hybrid a dragon, or hatch a dragon from a long lost dragon egg. A half hour later Kayla got quiet.

You know, even if we could get our hands on a dragon. It would probably be too much work to train it. I think I will just stick with horses. But still, it would be so cool to ride a dragon.”

In Him,

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