Thursday, June 28, 2018

My World Is Not Perfect

This can’t be easy. I am so sorry. How can I help?  We all share those words with others who share their heartaches with us. Just listening is what we all need when we are walking through life’s bumps in the road. None of us have everything just perfect in our lives. This is so true but so misconceived. Too often we wear our burdens live a heavy chain around our neck all the time looking at others with envy. Envy that they couldn’t possibly be dealing with the same struggles that we are dealing with. And we are right.
They aren’t living with our struggles but their struggles are just as challenging.

Our relationships are what make it true that there is never a moment where something or someone is not going through a hard time. But our relationships are also how we lift each other up to get through the tough times. What a gift to care enough to ache for those we love when life throws punches. I feel sorry for those who don’t share their hurts for fear of being judged. Let’s face it much of the tough stuff is self-induced. Reality is that most of us have made mistakes and can relate on some level to others shame. Social media is a window to other’s lives. Sure some of it is glossed over to impress and some is complaining about every little hang nail in life. But it is also a place to celebrate new births, grieve with other’s losses, and to support with prayer and finances when moved to do so.

Connections get us through life. Holding hands on this walk whether physically or virtually makes life so much richer. I for one am glad that my world is not perfect. That means that my heart includes not just me but so many others as well.

In Him,

1 comment:

  1. Blogging is a very supportive community, I have found, and I agree, a burden shared is a burden lightened.
