Friday, May 12, 2023

Let the Sunshine in~~~~Better Yet, Go Outside and Revel in it


I don’t know what this springis like where you live but here in northern New Mexico it is a mixture of heavenly scents, trees full of blooms, children playing soccer at the park, and short sleeves without a jacket most days. The spring gets a bad rap for the wind and unexpected snow flurries followed by a day in the eighties. But the truth is that the forecast is all over the place every year so doesn’t that kind of make it expected? 

It gives me so much joy when flowers that appear dead but

were just sleeping over the winter begin to brighten the spot that I chose for them years ago. Ronnie B and I have big, potted plants that we bring in for the winter. The time has come to drag them outside to fill the porch with their grandeur. Expectedly, we will go out and purchase more plants for the inside not remembering how crowded our house will be when the weather turns cold again. That is okay. Plants give us oxygen so our house will be a haven to fill our lungs. 

Another bright spot to warmer weather is just being outside. Whether you are a gardener, walker, ice tea drinking conversationalist, or just don a hat and read with the sun on your face, get outside. Take that allergy pill so you don’t stuff up and coat yourself with sunscreen and leave the couch for the porch swing. It is so refreshing to move meals and conversations outside. Don’t forget to fling open your windows so the freshness will spill inside to help you sleep even better. Ronnie B and I got a fold away eight foot door that we move our bed to in the spring to sleep inside out. The best of both worlds. 

We are so fortunate to live right on the park with people and pups stopping by to chat at the gate. In this picture Cora is rubbing noses with another dog strolling by. I love that. This has made me motivated to take my second cup of coffee out on the back porch and simply enjoy.

In Him,



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