Saturday, May 13, 2023

Set the Table or Clear the Table……Which Do You Prefer?

 Which is more difficult to set the table or to clear the table? When I ask someone to set the table while I am preparing a meal in my kitchen it is an interruption. They must transition from what they are doing to what I asked them to do. Washing their hands first of course. Transitions are challenging for all of us so setting the table is most times done with an ugh mentality and a bargaining that it can wait a bit. Clearing the table is a different kind of transition and includes nasty plates of half eaten food. Putting remaining food into containers is also unpleasant. But it doesn’t matter whether we are setting or clearing the job has to be done by someone. 

In our home we always assigned a number before clearing the table. Besides your own plate, how many items must everyone clear to get the table and kitchen items put away. Even our kids friends would jump in and help. Working together is always preferable to doing a task alone. Sesame Street taught us all that cooperation is the best practice. 

Two things I learned from raising kids that shockingly had to eat three meals a day was that table time is so important and working as a family is a great ending to a family meal. Of course, the kids always grabbed for the mustard and mayo so they didn’t have to put the uneaten peas in a small rubbermaid. But I smile when I think of all the meals we shared along with laughter and eye contact. 

Now when Ronnie B and I set or clear the table there is no number involved but the doing it together is still familiar and comforting. I am so grateful that the lines of men and women’s roles have blurred and we do much more living in step with one another. In the past, I made chore charts for my kids now I make them for myself. Knowing what needs to be done and crossing it off when I complete it never becomes a then thing. It is a now way for me to organize my time, Pat myself on the back and feel accomplished. 

So back to the question, I prefer to set the table. More importantly I prefer sitting at the table with family or friends rather than on my couch with eye contact only on the television or devices rather than with one another. The real question is that since we are no longer isolating in our homes., how many of us have had people over to share a meal? Maybe it is time to set up a sit down and catch up face to face over a home cooked or brought in meal. I will bring the salad.

In Him,



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