Friday, June 9, 2023

An Art Lesson and a Day of Joy


Here I sit watching my granddaughter and grandson drawing at the kitchen table. What a sweet scene with a nine year old sharing her love of drawing with her three year old cousin. Ronnie B is cooking hash browns and the house smells of coffee and toast. It is a lovely start to the day. Earlier, I got eight month old Caleb, our great/grandson, dressed and changed while his mom got ready to go. Can I just say that I am beyond blessed to have my home filled with children.  Life just keeps getting better. 

A few years ago there were not kids, grandkids or even greats here in New Mexico. Now we have a bundle of love just a couple miles away. Yes, it gets chaotic at times but it is a happy chaos most of the time. There is a full agenda planned to keep us busy, connecting, and wear them out before Noni and Papa wear out. There will definitely be a nap time even if only for the seniors in the house. Perhaps we need to schedule an afternoon movie time so everyone is safe while we snooze. 

If you don’t live near your grands, reach out to someone with kids in your church, neighborhood, or even at the grocery store. It will fill your life with joy and a mom of littles would be forever grateful for an hour to take a shower and have time to shave her legs. Maybe you could even teach a little math while baking favorite cookies. Just be sure to clean up with the kiddos so it is a gift not an added mess for mom. I have several friends who are retired whose kids live in other states. They have embraced a local family to be a surrogate grandparent. Win/win for everyone I say. 

Now I am off with two cups of caffeine in me so I can thoroughly enjoy the day with these incredible grandkids and of course my Ronnie B.

In Him,

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