Sunday, June 11, 2023

Ways I Get to Stay Connected


I don’t have to read my Bible. I get to read my Bible. What a time we live in that we don’t need to worry about being persecuted for our faith. God’s word is at our fingertips every moment of everyday. Whether we carry a digital version, listen to others speak it, or have a paper Bible is not what matters. What matters is that we stay connected to His word to stay connected to Him.

Lanessa said this morning the real question can’t be if we read His word, but that we read His word. Her question to us was what one passage stuck with us from our readings this week. I couldn’t remember the verse but did have a truth come to mind that I will keep close. Now I need to pause and look it up to share the words correctly. 

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

What was new for me this week is the distinction that God is our refuge and strength not that He gives us refuge and strength. So to have strength and peace we must remain close to him. It doesn’t just pass to us and off we go with all the strength we need. But to stay close is to have the peace and strength to get through whatever life throws at us. 

Lanessa told us a kind of strategy for reading the Bible that I like.  To dig into His word, first write scripture, then get the context by reading what was happening before and after the verse was written, then apply it to my life, and finally pray.The hardest part of the application is to apply it to me not think of everyone else I know that would benefit from the wordI. Our time in the Bible is building a personal relationship with God after all. 

I must say that I am now thankful that I wake up between 4:30 and %am most mornings. My quiet time early in the day is precious. I look forward to the time in His word and how it connects me to Jesus. When I occasionally sleep in until six or seven I am kind of disappointed. Too soon others will be waking up and the intimate moment with my Father will be shorter than I would like. Of course, I can read later in the day, pray throughout the day and even take a walk to spend quiet time with Him. But I have come to love my early mornings together. 

Someone told me that her husband read the Bible through and stated that he was good. Read it don’t need it again is not how Bible reading works. Each time I delve into scripture, I learn something new. My life is continuously evolving and so is how God’s word applies to my life. Twenty-three year old me was not getting the same stuff that sixty-seven year old me wants or needs. It just makes sense to stay connected to his word throughout life. After all, in Him I get strength and refuge. Staying close matters. 

How fortunate we are to have God’s word at our fingertips to reach out for whenever and wherever we are.

In Him,



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