Sunday, June 25, 2023

Ten Minutes of Just Me Hmmmmmmm

 When was the last time you sat still for ten minutes without any outside input……no phone, radio/Alexa, tv, people, pets. Just sat with your eyes closed with your own thoughts? In my classroom, I would shut off the lights, have kiddos lay on the floor and just be still. It always took a few minutes to get the giggles and wiggles out but then there could be a couple minutes of silence. With practice preschoolers to middle schoolers could get better at being alone with their thoughts. I am hoping to get back to this practice for myself. It is amazing what I can think and feel when I turn off the outside world spigot. Now that my phone is always with me, I rarely sit while waiting for an appointment or in a checkout line without grazing on content from social media or playing a game. It is like I avoid the quiet at all cost. 

This year I vowed to not take my phone into the bathroom with me. It wasn’t the plan to just sit and ……… But I hoped to fill the space with devotional, and reading while I sat and ………… Even then it didn’t occur to me to be alone with my own reflections and insights. This morning my YouTube Bible study challenged us to take ten minutes and just be. It was suggested that we use our phone or Alexa to set the timer but then don’t turn on music or focus on the clock ticking. Rather it should be a brief time that you don’t allow any outside to come in but be with yourself. After all, we all strive to feel that we are enough so let’s test our theory. This is also not a time for a nap but a time to focus on where our thoughts take us. Do we go to memories, worries, incomplete tasks, work through conversations we need to have, or does our mind anticipate future accomplishments. Who knows there may be space to come up with an idea that God was trying to get your attention to pursue. 

Hopefully, this time will evolve into a productive space that is positive and gets us in touch with ourselves. The world has plenty to fill every moment and will not miss us if we take a ten minute breather from it daily. Who wants to join me? Let me know  any benefits or struggles. When did you find was a good time to sit down with yourself? Where did you find a space to be alone? I plan to lay on my Mom;s couch that is in our family room and make sure my phone is silenced and nobody is home. Yes, we are allowed to ignore calls and texts for ten minutes. I give you permission. 

I will let you know how it goes. After all I might just like what I have to share with myself. 

In Him,



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