Monday, June 26, 2023

Share Your Story and I will Share Mine


Yes, I share my story. It matters. When others share their story with me, it matters. We all have a story, which are moments and seasons in our lives that have the potential to connect us to others. That is why there are support groups and chats that give us a window into how others are dealing with a similar situation. Get connected. But don’t simply sit in the background taking in other people’s story. There is value in yours. How your life unfolds and how you manage or struggle with circumstances will help people who are navigating their own story. Don’t be shy. Don’t convince yourself that you have nothing to contribute. Your journey can be just the story someone else desperately needed to hear. 

I often have shared how this blog started and the gift it has been to me. When others consider blogging, I usually tell them to not share it with everyone in their world. People will find it that need to find it. My connection to Terra is like a lifelong friendship. She found my blog and her comments have lifted me more than once when I really needed to be lifted. We may never meet in person but our connection is so important. 

Writing, sharing over a cup of coffee, or simply picking up the phone can lead to opportunities to share your story and benefit from hearing someone else’s. I try to remember that saying that I have two ears and only one mouth. As important as it is for me to speak, it is also valuable when someone else gifts me with their life story. So pick up the phone, and make a plan to connect. Even those who have walked through life with can enjoy a good time of reminiscing Speak up and boldly connect with new friends, or that person you are standing in line with at the grocery store. Our lines are annoyingly long this summer. Rather than being miffed perhaps I can learn a bit more about the people waiting around me. Better than burying my nose in my phone. I am convinced I will never really crush that candy anyway. 

In Him,



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