Sunday, August 13, 2023

Graceful Voting in America……….Now That is a Concept I Can Vote for

Grace for others is on my heart. I am recognizing that I am holding myself tight worrying about the ugly Americans that are going to come out in too many of us as the 2024 elections approach. There is an awareness that the only person I can control is me. I told a friend the other day that I am so thankful for not trying to micromanage the way I used to. The truth was and is that I don’t want or need to be in charge of others. I can barely get it right being in charge of me. So why would I believe that others should see situations of life the way I do? Arrogance I guess. 

I am preparing myself for the upcoming election cycle that is even more decisive with all the legal issues of candidates. How do I avoid getting caught up in the drama or the negativity of the hideous campaigning? Avoidance? I am not sure but what I am thinking is to listen more and speak less. If someone wants to share their views, I can listen and try to see where their passion comes from. It is okay if I disagree. It is also okay if I don’t share or try to convert them. Leading with love and grace is key to getting through the next year plus of election nonsense. 

My prayer for each and every American is that they can be heard and not condemned for their beliefs. That families and friends will not let politics destroy relationships. Each of us gathers our information from somewhere and these days it is more and more challenging to sift out the truth. I hope to remember that I may have heard but that doesn’t mean I have to believe the information as presented. That is just to say that none of us knows what is best for our country. So let’s all try to gather information, evaluate options and vote. Let’s wear our I voted! Stickers louder than our donkey or elephant identities. Let’s also keep our prayers for America flowing regardless of the election results that none of us can predict.

God bless America and keep us grace filled toward one another.

In Him,


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