Saturday, August 12, 2023

Why Didn’t I Think of That?

Well that is so obvious. Do you ever have a situation that you are trying to solve and the answer is so simple that you don’t even think of it? That happens more often than I want to admit. I either over think or complicate how to solve the problem. Ronnie B is really good at looking at something and seeing the easy fix right away. Perhaps I need to be more like him when I grow up. Who am I kidding? At sixty-seven I am not likely to ever truly grow up. You Tube has helped a lot in giving me a visual how to that is doable. But even there some people complicate the solution and I just shut my iPad and try not to consider how to get started. 

Caleb is ten months old and he loves to climb my stairs. There is a baby gate in the living room so that has become a giant playpen for him. Problem is that we love to sit in the family room next to the stairs. After spending energy and frustration pulling him down a hundred times, Lissa simply moved the baby gate across the opening from the living room to the dining room. That put the stairs, bathroom, kitchen and plants out of his reach. Problem solved. Why didn’t I think of this a couple months ago? Hmmmm.

When I was working with wee ones from birth to three years old, one skill I looked for was would they use an object as another..Like putting the remote up to their ear like a phone. Or my go to as a child was using a wire whisk as a microphone. Truth be told, my thumb was always available for me to give a pretend interview or belt out a toon. This kind of processing helps us solve problems by thinking outside the box and realizing my tongs can also help me get the remote Caleb dropped behind the couch. There are countless alternatives to getting a task done if I can just think it through or watch a video on YouTube.

Hope your problems are easily fixed today and that you don’t get frustrated reading the multi-page directions to find  the best way to proceed. I love living in this day of easy access to how others have found quick fixes that will work for me. 

In Him,



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