Monday, August 7, 2023

Heaven Customized Just For You, Just For Me

 Heaven must be customized. Why you might ask? Well, people come in all personalities so it doesn’t make sense that my idea of a perfect mansion in heaven would be the same as yours. So I believe that our Father will provide each of us with just what our heart desires. Let me explain…..

Ronnie B and I live on a park that is filled with families and their pets spending time together. In fact, last night as we sat on the park bench together as our Cora dog ran around, there was a family who comes there frequently. They come with a pet stroller full of chickens. Last night they brought five to run around and peck bugs out of the grass. One was even on a leash and the young girl who brought them took her favorite chicken for a swing. It is glorious that we live where we can hear happy noises coming in our home and our dog can run around with kiddos and other dogs. For some people living on a park with all the bustle of families would be annoying and they would prefer to live on a quiet property with lots of privacy. There are people who love the warmth and wet of Hawaii and those who appreciate the untamed mountains of Alaska. Texas folks love the openness of the flat, mountain free terrain and those in Colorado enjoy being surrounded by mountains. 

Ronnie B and I love our 1989, 19 foot motor home. It is perfect for us and we love taking it out for a month at a time. Ron’s sister has a 34 foot fancy motor home that has a big chest freezer in it for when they take their trips to Alaska to fish and gather berries. There is no way either of us would be okay with trading. Ours is perfect for us and theirs suits their needs perfectly.

 These are just a couple reasons that I am convinced that heaven will be customized. My mansion doesn’t need to be filled with musical instruments but I hope there is yarn for me to crochet and a computer for me to write. What will heaven be like for you?  Do you prefer a lot of alone time or want to be surrounded by family and friends? Would your mansion include a dog or a cat or perhaps a chicken that you can take to the park? Our God is so loving and satisfies our desires so I believe that our space in heaven will be designed perfectly with each of us in mind. 

In Him,



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