Thursday, September 14, 2023

Two Blessings that I Call Aunties


There are traditions in life that are comforting because of their familiarity. A simple act can become a signature in a family. My Aunt Judy years ago decided to place a single stick of gum in a birthday card. Since then she is the one in the family known for never forgetting a birthday or an anniversary. But birthday cards are anticipated for the little treat inside. Now this is shared by generations. Kids, grandkids and even great-grands enjoy opening their card and the chewable treat that lies inside. 

I adore my aunt and love that at eighty years old she continues this gifting. Another hug she sends it that when she is waiting in a doctor’s office or at the DMV she always seems to have a card or paper with her and I will get the sweetest notes catching me up on family happenings. Of course I like to think that I am so special that she writes only to me. But the truth is she writes to whoever comes on her heart. Aunt Judy has the ability to make each of us feel like we are not only her favorite but the one she longs to connect with. 

This week was a crazy week at Aunt Judy’s house. I need to fill in a little backstory. Saturday night Aunt Laura fell. My Aunt Laura is ninety-two and lives with her sister, Judy. They are a pair let me just tell you. Laura still drives and loves the Lord and shares her blessings and faith with everyone she meets. She always has an infectious smile. Aunt Judy says even in pain from a broken hip, Aunt Laura was blessing the paramedics as they loaded her into their ambulance. My aunt had surgery on Sunday and I spoke with Aunt Judy on Monday. She was concerned but doing okay with being alone. Judy recognized that her sister wouldn’t be home for a while since she had to go to rehab after her surgery. But Judy was in good spirits.

Then on Tuesday, one of Judy’s daughters texted me that her mom fell last night. I was so confused. Laura fell not Judy. Nope. Aunt Judy fell Monday night and was in the er for X-rays. Turns out that my aunt didn’t break anything but they found her salt levels were extremely low and were going to keep her overnight. My two aunts are pencil thin each weighing well under a hundred pounds. They are big time vegetable eaters and are always encouraged to add protein and carbohydrates to their diet. 

Cousin Jimmy told me they were going to put these two sisters in the same room. Now I know this is serious but I can’t help chuckling a little imagining my aunts and my crazy cousins in this hospital room. I hope the staff has taken their vitamins and caffeine for their shift with the Peabody clan.

My first thought was to jump in the car and head over to be there for these two ladies that I love. Since losing my sister right after my mom/ their sister the relationship with them is the only one that ties me to my childhood. Cousins too of course but only Jerry was as old as Teri and I. So the other cousins didn’t come along till I was eight years old and older. My sweet aunts call me on my families birthdays, send me flowers on my birthday since my immediate family is united in heaven. There kindness means so much to me. They mean so much to me. I ache thinking of them suffering. But I also smile when I think of the joy they bring to one another and our ever growing family.

Get well soon my loving aunties. Your love and encouragement are needed by each of us~one stick of gum at a time. 

In Him,



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