Thursday, January 11, 2024

Let Me Know What You Figure Out………….I Have Faith in Your Decisions


It is okay to let others figure out next steps. Too often I try to grab a hold and fix it when my role should be to listen and encourage. Trusting others to solve their stuff is best practice unless they specifically ask for my input, advice, direction, or butting in. I think it is also appropriate to check in and ask how it is going. Letting others know that their circumstances are on my mind and in my prayers is sometimes the only role I am supposed to play. 

A few years ago, I had a pretty bad fall just walking down a sidewalk. As I lay there face down on the concrete my grandgirl wanted to quickly lift me back to my feet. The truth is I needed to stay put to get my bearings and needed to wait till I was ready for her helping hand. It feels like that when I jump with my fix-it wand immediately. My fear is that without me  it will not be okay. The truth is that if I pause and let them get their bearing the solution they come up with will be better than the one I could provide. The reality is that it is proof that I have confidence in them to figure it out. Maybe as a mom I became the all knowing to my littles but at some point they moved into their own lives and circumstances. 

So rather than rushing to Venmo or Apple Pay, I am going to use my new question……….Let me know what you figure out. I love you and am praying for things to workout. Call me if you need to talk or vent. I will do my best to listen more than I lecture or wave my wand. Perhaps this will give me the time I need to consult with loved ones to figure out my own issues.

In Him,



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