Monday, January 15, 2024

Ok 2024 I am putting Long Covid behind me

I had no expectations this time when I went to the pulmonologist. In September, I was sure they would take me off oxygen. They didn’t. What they did say is just use the oxygen until January 24/7 and let your lungs heal. Immediately I believed I would be off it by January. Then God tapped me on the shoulder and said that I would be on it until I no longer needed it. Hmmmmmm. Okay, that is the posture I took. So when I went to my appointment last week and was told to quit using oxygen during the day but to monitor my saturation levels, I was beyond thrilled. Today is day five without daytime oxygen and my numbers have not fallen below 86. Mostly they have been in mid-nineties. Hip, hip, hooray. 

I don’t know why I second guess myself and wonder if I was using O2 when I didn’t really need it. Nope, this is what it took to rest my lungs and get them functioning again. My job is to be thankful that I am getting over long Covid when many are still struggling or progressively getting worse. Now to buy a new purse and put away my portable concentrator. Sometimes the best I can do is be patient and pray. It is so wonderful to begin 2024 with only nighttime oxygen. God is good all the time. 

If my lungs can perform at this elevation of 7300 feet, I know I am going to be just fine. After all, I have no plans to climb a fourteener this year. But truthfully, thanks for all your prayers and support through this journey to better health. Your love matters more than you can know. 

In Him,

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