Friday, July 26, 2024

Covid Strikes Again but Hopefully Doesn’t Linger

 Ronnie B has covid. He has been driving back from Washington after our Bahama trip with the dog and the rv which we left up there. Now he is too sick to continue his journey and has stopped in Colorado to recover. I am sad that I am not with him to nurse him back to health. But he is right in staying away so I don’t get sick. This past year has been one to build my patience as I continue to recover from long covid.

It makes me so thankful that a year ago I was in a wheelchair through the airports and spent so much of my days in bed. Here I am a year later without the need of constant oxygen and getting more stamina all the time. What a gift to see my trajectory of recovery and know that I can and will get back to my normal of walking with Ronnie B and living life off oxygen. 

Covid continues to be scary. I lost my sister to this virus in 2020 when there was no vaccine. Even with the vaccines it can still affect our lives dramatically. I pray Ron does not

 get long covid. In the past couple weeks, several family members have tested positive. It scares me when I think of how it affected me and derailed my life for a year. None of us are immune to illness. Jenn’s cousin got sick and ended up needing to relearn to walk and even feed herself. Like me Rosie is gaining her life back but it has been a painful process. 

Tomorrow is not promised and so we need to embrace today. I thank Ron for protecting me but I will be so glad when our rv pulls up and I can wrap my arms around him. Until then I will pray for him to recover quickly with no lingering symptoms. 

In Him,



1 comment:

  1. That will be a specially sweet reunion for you two and I am glad to hear your recovery is continuing.
