Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Perception is the Function of Contrast~I am Getting Skinny Comparatively

 Perception is the function of contrast. So the top picture is of us at Multnomah Falls in Oregon the first part of June. Having been on Wegovy since November and lighter than before, I felt skinnyish. The bottom picture is a couple weeks ago in Florida after a couple months of vacation. The difference is striking. I hope that when I look back on the last pic a few months from now I will have the same reaction to it that I do to the first picture. 

My weight loss journey has been a struggle my whole adult life. Some would say that I have focused too much on it. I have. The great thing about this time with this medication is that I am not focused on food. That is mind blowing to me. I have a sister who was definitely a thin eater. A thin eater is someone who only eats when they are hungry and only eats till that hunger is satisfied. Teri would not take one more bite of even her favorite food if she was done. When she was done she was done. This medication has turned me into a thin eater. It amazes me how little my body actually needs to consume and how much I have always consumed. The food noise is silenced and I don’t grab a snack off the counter when I walk by. 

I grew up with a mom who saved the heart of the watermelon until last so she could savor the last bites of bliss. My sandwiches were always eaten crust first to get it out of the way and save the best for last. Weigh Down taught me that we should eat the good part first and then can easily let go of the rest when we reach full. The example is to poor your popcorn in a bowl and eat the heavenly, yellow, butter saturated ones first. Who wants to eat the white, cardboard one anyway? This season I am finding with food that I am saving my hunger for what I truly desire to eat. Then when I can’t think of what I want to consume it is probably because I am not really hungry yet. We were going out to a seafood dinner and I was excited for coconut shrimp. Before we went I ate a snack to tide me over. Then I couldn’t eat my dinner since that small amount of calories from the snack took my hunger away. No worries, that shrimp tasted great out of the to go box the next day. 

Weigh Down, Keto, and now Wegovy are the three times in my life that I felt hopeful about getting smaller but more importantly healthier in my life. I couldn’t succeed on Richard Simmons wallet of food cards since I had used up my allotted cards for the week in the first few days. Rationing didn’t work for me what with my borrowing from tomorrow for today mindset. By the end I would have had to be on a fast for days to pay back the food I already ate. The common thread with the three plans I was successful on took my focus off of food not counting and rationing my food. I am so glad that there are people who can succeed on Weight Watchers and other counting calorie based plans. But I am not one of those because I cheat.

 I don’t know if I will stay thinner than before or if this is again a temporary fix. What I hope is to change my mind while on this medication. Enjoy feeling more energy and stamina in this moment. Today I feel good about my progress and look forward to continuing my downward/downsized spiral. God bless you if you are a thin eater by nature or if you are disciplined enough to stick to a diet. But I need this medication that some refer to as a crutch. So please let’s all accept one another for whatever works for them. After all, we wouldn’t all wear one another’s glasses because our prescriptions are not the same. 

Perception is the function of contrast and today I am feeling good about where I am today. Tomorrow I may look back and smile that I felt this proud today. But that means I have continued to downsize and that is a good thing. 

In Him,

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