Monday, July 22, 2024

Home Yet Again

It is so good to be home. Ronnie B is still on the road bringing the rv and pooch back from Washington state but I am home. We have never been gone for two months before and although it was a fabulous time away, I am thrilled to be in our casita. The first two days I didn’t leave the house. I just pajama-ed up and relaxed in my favorite spots. The beauty is that we left the house clean, even the fridge, and so it was a pleasant homecoming. I had the leisure to sort through the mail and enjoy coffee on the couch. 

It is crazy that we were gone in April then the months of June and July this year. I have only blogged twice since the first of April. That is so unlike me. I love to write. I need to write. Writing is my therapy. And yet I have not been writing. I can’t explain it but every time I picked up the keyboard and sat down there was just nothing that came. It is my hope to get back into my routines now that I am home until October. 

Wake up early, coffee, Bible study then write is my goal. Along with spending time with friends more intentionally and sifting through my years of writing to get enough podcasts so I can begin. The podcast I thought would start April of 2023 was put on hold with long Covid disrupting my life for the past year. May I let you know that I have only had to use oxygen once in the past two months. Yay for me and my recovery. But I digress. The other thing I really want to do is declutter and rid out all the stuff that I don’t use that someone else might be able to use. Luckily, I have Angelica who will come and help and is brutal at this task. 

So here I sit with coffee and my keyboard on my favorite spot on my couch. Home is empty right now with Ronnie B not here but the quiet and relaxation is welcome after months of sharing life with family and friends. Thanks for being faithful to me even when I am not writing. I am so grateful you are here. 

In Him,



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