Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Day 41 and Coming Out of the Tunnel to Sunshine or Rain


Our 41 is promised and is coming. While we were in Washington we went antiquing in an adorable, little town. I came upon a chain with a ruler charm that said 41. It made me curious about why someone would wear a 41 on their neck. So I investigated and this is what I found. The truth is I was totally unaware of this new beginning promise of day 41. But what I also know is that God is with me as He was with all those in the Bible during the 40 days prior to coming out of the storm. Not what if something happens but even if I don’t have to walk through anything alone. What a comfort that is. 

The idea of 41 makes me think of the many years Ronnie B and I were separated. My sweet Young Life girls prayed a three word prayer for us,,,,,,,,,under one roof. Well our 41 came and we have been under one roof for years. Happier and more healthy in our relationship than ever before. Susi even embroidered those three words on our quilt she made us and refurbished after decades of use. 

When Cam was little we drove through a tunnel in Yosemite. As he looked out the front window at the ever expanding scene we were driving into he stated that we were going to be part of the movie. I loved that and the image of moving toward the light and beauty on the other side of the tunnel has always helped me in the storms life brings. This image pairs well in my mind with the day 41 coming out of the dark tunnel and into the light and fresh views.

So my antique store find now hangs from my rearview mirror reminding me that there is hope in situations I am praying for. My task is to trust and be present even during the first forty and recognize that I am not alone. God is with me and has provided people to walk with me and even hold my hand, This will be true even if the view on the other side of the tunnel is not what I hoped for. But I trust He will use all things in my life for good.

In Him,



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