Thursday, August 22, 2024

Treasures to Trash and Donations

 Every cupboard, every closet, every nook and cranny. Yes, I am in a get rid of it all mode. Ronnie B is what I call clutterphobic except for his own stuff of course. But I am becoming more and more like him but with my stuff. I have Angelica one of my sweet, chosen children who comes up and helps me rid out. She is brutal because she knows that all this excess is crowding my mind as well as my home. Yesterday, we tackled the rv, my car and even my pantry. Should I admit that as our trash bin filled it was with food that had expired as far back as 2019? It feels good to have shelves and drawers that are not overstuffed with what I never use anyway. 

Now that we are tackling the purge once a week it is time for me to admit that I need to be less lazy about using what I have and not going out to purchase more. For years I have told others that my Mom had forty pounds of butter in her garage freezer when I cleaned it out. There is even a blog about that. Well, Angie could not believe how many bags of pinto beans she found in the pantry. Too often I think I might be low and grab more at the store rather than checking first. It didn’t help that the pantry was so full that I couldn’t get eyes on what was in it without taking everything out. So let me just say that when she said we had enough beans and rice to feed Mexico for a year, although an exaggeration, we do have enough to feed Ronnie B and me for a year. Note to self……….do not buy beans and rice anytime soon. 

So I am feeling less clutterphobic now that my pantry and sock drawer are not overstuffed. So many areas in my home are less jammed with too much. But the job is not finished and may never be if I don’t quit buying that cute purse or pair of pajamas that I just can’t avoid purchasing. Our local thrift store and food bank are glad for my lack of self control. Don’t worry, I didn’t donate any of the long expired food. Now to begin gifting others with my treasures with the promise that it won’t hurt my feelings if they pass it on. My hope is that all the items Angelica loaded in her car were dropped off at a thrift store on her way home so she isn’t tempted to let stuff overwhelm her and her home. 

In Him,



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