Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fall Sets the Example

 This week the chilled weather has reverted back to abnormal highs but the promise of cooler days is all around me. There will be heaters in the mornings and short sleeves midday followed by a sweater or sweats  in the evening hours. It is such a gift to live where there are four seasons. It is true I am not ready for shoveling snow but I will be when the time comes. Likewise, I will be done with snow and excited for the crocus flowers to peak their heads out to signal spring is on the way. But today I rejoice in this season that is hinting at cooler days ahead. 

Tomorrow I leave on an adventure of my lifetime. I am flying to Athens, Greece to meet Ronnie B for a tour of Greece and her islands. It has been a dream of mine to swim in the Mediterranian.  Now that dream comes true. But the journey to get there has me more than a little nervous. Please pray for me to be like the trees who have to let go of their leaves each fall and have confidence that they will grow back in the spring. I need to be confident that I can fly across an ocean on my own. Right now I am working hard at keeping that peace beyond understanding that God promises through praying for it whenever anxiety threatens. A few weeks ago, I began trying to think of a way out of going. Fear was ruling over my desires to visit Europe and more importantly to have this adventure with Ron. 

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. God be with me. God be with me. Breathe in, breathe out. 
Lord above, comfort me. Give me courage. Help me see. Guide my actions. Guide my words. Let me know my prayers are heard. 

These are my prayers. The guiding my words and actions is for me not to get caught up in my worries and try to escape something that is sure to be one of my fondest experiences. What I am focusing on is that only a year ago I was dealing with long Covid and on oxygen full time. Today I am so much healthier and have the stamina to make this journey. Not only am I capable of flying tomorrow but I have prepared. Like the trees prepare for the upcoming winter by releasing their leaves during these autumn months, I am prepared. My iPad is full of downloaded gems. Snacks are packed along with everything I will need on the journey and once I arrive. Lissa neatly packed and made sure that I didn’t take ten weeks worth of clothes for a two week trip. My suitcase is only half full. This will come in handy as I do a bit of shopping overseas. 

So pray for me to continue to allow peace to fill my heart over the anxiety and fear that threatens to make me bail on the whole trip. Remind me that even if something went wrong, living life is always the right choice. Being cozy at home is wonderful and comfortable. But I want to share adventures with my Ronnie B like it says on the back of our RV. Adventure before Dementia Hopefully there will be many more in our future. But today I am embracing this one with the courage and faith that it will be so much more than I could ever have dreamed of. Soon I will be swimming in the waters of the Mediterranean and fulfilling a lifelong dream. 

In Him,

1 comment:

  1. Love this ❤️
    You made it! Have a wonderful time
    My sweet friend! Kristie
