Friday, February 28, 2025

A Temporary Roof Over My Head is Better than No Roof at All

 Maybe this would be a great solution for some of our homeless population. Condo living at its finest. You get a level and you get a level and you get a level. I will take care of my floor and you take care of yours. It would even be convenient to borrow a cup of sugar.

 Or better yet what if we take old rvs or school buses and turn them into shelters? There is a wonderful hot springs in Utah that has repurposed these into beauties and each has a personality of their own. There is a common bathroom so no need for plumbing just electricity hookup and living large. If we didn’t have our own rv we would have definitely enjoyed staying in one. 

Ron and I recently upgraded from a 1989 to a 2000 motor home. We still need to figure out what to do with the 1975 camper van. It would be great if there was a place we could donate them that would give others a roof over their heads. 

Having a family members who live in cars, I realize that it is difficult to be in a remote location for a variety of reasons. I am not sure if either of these ideas would be viable in the long run but may provide shelter in the short term. Perhaps it would even be a promotion that could clear out garages and side yards of unused tents and campers. Heck, even a sailboat would work. There has to be a way we can give a lift to those struggling without destroying their lives or our cities. Compassion doesn’t always come in the form of tolerating the way things are but coming up with solutions that will bring about improved circumstances. Perhaps personal space of any kind could give a sense of ownership and pride. I just hate the thought of the filth and crime that too many fellow Americans are living in. It needs to be safer to be struggling in our country, cities, and on our streets. 

So let me know where to donate my camper van and I will gladly drive it over. Yes, even at fifty years young our yellow submarine still runs…….haltingly. It may not have a whole lot more miles in her but she still has a warm bed and roof that doesn’t leak. Not a permanent solution but it is a start.

In Him,



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