Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Golden Rule is for Me not just for You

The Golden Rule includes:
Treating others with respect, kindness and love.
Helping a friend in need.
Listening to others without interrupting.
Trying to see things from another person’s point of view.
Being open to change to help others. 

It always hurts when someone misunderstands my intentions/ my heart. When they believe the worst in me. But what i have been considering the past few weeks as a couple conflicts came up in my life is that I am as guilty of judging the hearts of others. Well, it has been a beginning of this new year to grow me more than them. I can go on believing I am in the right while they are all wrong or I can check in and have a conversation so each of us is heard and understood. Rarely do we intentionally set out to hurt one another. Most of us learned the golden rule in kindergarten and Sunday school. But do we adults practice the do unto others as you want them to do unto you? If we did I think there would be a lot more connecting and a lot less offending. 

Our first call after feeling offended should not be a rallying our people to shake our heads at how awful the offending person is. It should be to that same person to clarify and set things right. Then we can let others know of the conflict and more importantly how we worked things out together. That is how I want people to treat me.

 A couple years ago, a close friend left a voicemail about me that actually came to me. She was bashing me pretty hard including questioning my character. It was hurtful to say the least. I shared it with others and it did what I hoped it would do. It brought us together condemning her. That did nothing to repair the break in our relationship but boy it felt like sweet revenge. This past week I picked up the phone and was ready to confront the person who offended me. What I got was a closer understanding of the situation from her perspective and a closer relationship with her. That was a much healthier choice. Then relating the circumstances to others, I was more informed and had a better view of her heart. 

I can’t just wave my finger and catch others not following the golden rule. I need to hold myself accountable to do the same. 

In him,

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