Friday, April 9, 2010

2 Parties, 1 Incredible Son

Swinging my grandson at the park and watching my 3 beautiful granddaughters carry heavy sand buckets to the top of the slide puts the smile back in my heart. There are so many tasks to accomplish for Ryan's special good bye party on Saturday. At times, we get so busy that I forget why we are so busy. Then someone reminds me to go to the bathroom and I have a pivate moment to myself to think about what all of this is.

Yesterday, I was sad for Ryan for not being here to hear all the stories and see all the love. Then I realized he is up in the presence of God, home in his arms. Up their with him is his crazy Grandpa Harold and no one was a better party dude than him. So Ryan is probably up above wishing we were at his party but glad that we are at least together celebrating his life and loving each other.

I know, he knows that we will all keep Elissa in our hearts and in our arms. And I promise him, she will know how much he loved her and how incredibly special he was. Of course, we will tell her what a little ornery shit he was too. It will be my pleasure to do all I can to help my Lis remember her Daddy and his love for her.

Enjoy your party up there Ryan, give everyone a hug for us. We will celebrate who you are here until we see you again.

In Him,
Joyful Mom

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