I just bought Ron and I new toothbrushes and threw out the 7 that were in our holder in the bathroom. It looked kind of lonely with only the 2 brushes standing there with so much room to spare. But today that is how many toothbrushes should be there right now.
In the past year, God has seen fit to make our home a safe refuge for so many of those who we love. So there have been a variety of toothbrushes standing here. That has been a blessing for all of us. We have had an opportunity to share not just a room but our lives with them. I pray that we always come across that our home is open to any and to all.
After having 4 kids of our own we are used to having a cup full of toothbrushes. I pray it is only time until there are others here in our home again. The plan this summer is to have Tanner's girl, Miss Emmy, live here until she is ready to head out to college this fall. Tanner may be home too in which case his toothbrush can be inside, but he will get the tent trailer for the summer.
Crazy that our little house with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath is where people feel safe to just come and stay as long as they need. It really is not about the size or beauty of a home, it is the welcoming heart of the home that matters. The park full of children and families just out our back door just helps to make it even more alive. So happy noises are all around me whether the bedrooms are filled or awaiting the next to sleep here.
Thank you God for giving us the opportunity to open our home and our lives. What a blessing!
In Him,
Luke 10:27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
3 days ago
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