Monday, December 12, 2011

Santa Uncovered

The Christmas season can be so confusing to kids. The whole Santa issue with all his reindeer, elves and the North Pole. Their little minds try to figure out how he gets in their house and is it okay for him to be there while they sleep. How does he travel everywhere in one night and oh how much magic do we just believe and what should we question?

Natalie was pretty old when she finally found out about Santa. Her reaction surprised us. She was livid! How could we have lied to her for all this time. What about Santa writing in her books? It was clear he had different handwriting than mom and dad. Oh brother were we in big trouble.

I thought she would realize how sweet it was that her 3 older brothers never gave away the secret but let her continue believing. They even went out of their way to think up creative ways to keep the magic going. Cam went outside by her window and jingled bells. We left cotton on the table by the cookies to look like beard droppings.

Funny, my reason for continuing to believe past a reasonable age was because I couldn't believe my parents would buy gifts with their own money and give Santa the credit. I remember one year my mom forgot to give me anything. She gave Santa too much credit and I was so hurt that she and dad hadn't got me even one present.

We all have a memory of when we learned the truth about Santa and the amazing love of our parents. Parents are selfless enough to keep the magic of Santa alive for their little ones. Some only have the old guy give one big present, some use special wrap just for his gifts, others leave them unwrapped.

I know Cam learned our little secret because he found the roll of Santa wrap in the laundry room and the gig was up. Darn I should have left the S gifts unwrapped so their was no evidence laying around.

What is your story about finding out that your parents were indeed the best Santa anyone could hope for?  I would love to hear your story.

In Him,

By the way, Natalie isn't mad at us anymore. At 21, she understands the heart in our deception!

1 comment:

  1. I spied on my mom and dad putting my first bike together under the Christmas tree when I was 6 or 7. I cried and cried.
