Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Responsibility

I made a mistake. Now I must go and admit my wrong and see what the consequences are. It is never pleasant to admit when we are wrong or to live with the results. But the truth is we are all human and we all make numerous mistakes each and everyday. Some are small and insignificant enough that others don't even notice or need to be informed. But when our wrong choice or misstep affects others it is just that we let them know by coming clean. It would be so much worse for my mistake to be uncovered by others than if I just man up and admit I blew it.  I should have, I could have, I wish I had but the truth is I didn't.

This is an oops that was simply an oversight not malicious but the intention is not the point. It is my responsibility to clear it up. Real courage is doing what is right even when our gut says to defend ourselves even when we know in our heart we screwed up. So today I go in early and apologize for my mistake and know that this will be worked out.

Pray for me to stand tall knowing that this is not my first mistake nor will it be my last. But it will be one that I take full responsibility for because no one else is to blame. So there is no reason to add a 'but' to this. Excuses are just the act of deflecting responsibility.

In Him,

Proverbs 28:13 

Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

In Him,


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