Monday, March 12, 2012

Need To Keep Downsizing

How can I whine that my friends are losing more weight than I am when I have been less obedient than they have? Loudly, I whine loudly! I have 2 incredible friends of different size proportion and we are encouraging each other to reduce our girth. As we diminish our pant sizes are going down. So I pass my pants to one friend and the other passes hers to me. This is a bit unfair since our smallest friend has no one passing pants to her. Ponzy schemes always have a loser but the upside is she continues to be the smallest. In life there is always a reward.

The problem the last couple of weeks is that I have not been losing as fast as they have. Could this be that they are exercising more and eating less? You think? Of course, I can come up with a dozen reasons why I am less diligent. Time of year, stress at work, family drama are just the first 3 I keep repeating to myself. The truth is I just need to keep my hand and fork away from my mouth and get off my butt and quit making excuses.

So my friend is sliding out of the 18s I gave her and ready for my 16s. My other friend is out of the 14s and well into the 12s. Only problem is I am not abel to breath in the 14s yet so today it is juice and fruit and a 3 mile walk after school. Looking in the mirror it is obvious who is at fault for my lack of downsizing.

In Him,


  1. I'm comfortable in the 18's. I wouldn't be able to breathe in the 16's. I can pull the 18's off and on without unzipping/unbuttoning because of the shape of my body, silly!
    Quit getting down on yourself. You're losing just as fast. In my opinion, any "fast" - caused by juice or by stomach flu - makes us lose weight fast but we just gain it back. The only way to make it stay off is to lose it slowly. That means making lifestyle changes like putting half in a to-go box (like you do). The four and a half pounds I lost because of last week's stomach bug are already back.

  2. Well, I think you need to give yourself a break and celebrate where you are at this moment-NOT where your friends are. Take from a former anorexic and do NOT want to deny yourself becuase that results in binging and out of control best 'advice' if you will since I don't beleive in giving such, particularly unsolicited is to take it one day at a time and everything in moderation...just keep up with the exercise! Also at times we need to take a step back so we can dive in fully again!

  3. Blessings as you continue on this journey. Be satisfied where God has you. Safe hugs.
