Monday, May 5, 2014

When Expectations And Experiences Don't Match Up

Our feelings get hurt and we are disappointed when our expectations don't match our experiences. Pastor Shawn pointed this out this morning. Boy am I experiencing the 'Pity Party' of not getting my way right now. It is especially difficult when I convince myself that how I want a situation to work out is not only reasonable but noble and unselfish.
So I am just going to pout!
My mom turns 80 in June. This happens to be the same weekend my oldest son's family will be here from the Northwest for a wedding. Seemed perfect to get all my kids together for the first time in years. It even seemed like the perfect opportunity to get my sister's family back for the first time since our son, Ryan's funeral four years ago.
Isn't it every parents heart's desire to get all their kids together. Just to get the picture of all 5 grandkids made me smile. S'mores on the back porch, playing with sand toys at Noni's park and the kids climbing our apple trees are memory builders that I dreamed of.
Mom can be here but my sister's family can't. Our son just said he is leaving early on the morning of Mom's birthday but his family will still be here. I am not positive the others will be able to make it. They all hope to, but life happens.
Instead of having a grateful heart for the time I get to spend with each of them, I am a pouty mess over not getting what I WANT. My expectation was to have all my kids and grandkids, my sister and her family on my back porch laughing and catching up. I need to be feeling blessed for all that I have instead of whining and stomping my feet over not getting my way. Here I am 58 and still tantruming when life doesn't go my way.
Of course, it would have been wonderful to gather everyone together. But spending time with any of our kids is a gift. Today my 3 word prayer is 'Blessed With Family'. I need to repeat it until it sinks in and let God give me a grateful heart.

Hey, in June our grandkids are coming and my mom will be here for her 80th birthday. Sounds pretty wonderful to me. My focus is all that needs to change.

In Him,

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