Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Moving Toward Perfection With My Morning Time

The Greek word “perfect”  implies a “state of completion, 
no more development needed.

I don't need to be perfect. I have a lot more to learn and grow from before I am complete. This is comforting to me. So often I beat myself up for not doing enough, not saying 'yes' enough. I am the hardest on me. 

It has occurred to me lately that when I am on my knees praying for friends and family that it is okay to spend time praying for myself. This is a hard concept for me. After all even the title of this blog is Joyful Jesus, Others then Yourself. Putting others first is the goal, the expectation. What I need to remember is that Y in JOY is for me. I can only reach out to others if I first take care of me.

My early morning Bible study and blog time have become a most important part of my day. It is a gift to myself to get up at 5:00am and sit with my coffee and my Kylie dog writing and reading His word. When 8:30pm rolls around I am done and have guilt going off to bed when Ron is still up. Silly me! I have been married to this man for a lifetime. If I know anything about Ron it is that he appreciates his own alone time. Then why do I feel like I am cheating him in some way? I need to stop feeling guilt and know that my morning time is bringing me closer to him.

I have heard it said that you can tell what someones priorities are in life by their calendar and their checkbook. What we spend our time and money are truly are the priorities in our lives. Spending time on me is valuing me. It is not only okay to focus on me, it is how I am growing myself for others. 

In Him,

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