Wednesday, December 9, 2015

'Jam It In The Wad' Is A Technical Crocheting Term~ I Promise!

I have been on a crocheting frenzy. That happens sometimes. There are times in life where I just can't pick up a crochet hook and others, like now, when I can't put it down.  Jenn decided to buy yarn when we stopped to restock my hoard so she could make a twist scarf too. It seemed to make perfect sense to get started in the parking lot of an Allsups where we were getting gas. What is more comfortable than crocheting in a front seat with your talented friend.

She knows the basics or knew the basics so she got started on a chain to make the base. In case you don't know, the next row after the base is the toughest. So we sat with our coffees and battled through. I know that this row doesn't ruin the scarf if it is not perfect so I kept telling her it would be okay. After this row it would matter if she skipped a stitch but not now. My mantra was 'it's okay just keep going', 'that is great just keep going'.  She accused me of being a special ed teacher. Too funny! I guess I was trying to be encouraging but  it really was okay.  My other helpful advice was before you turn a corner jam the hook in the wad and make a chain. Jam the hook in the wad may not sound like technical crocheting terminology but I assure you it is. Jenna's edges were perfect after several rows of 'jamming it in the wad'. 

I crochet for the act of crocheting. My whole life I have crocheted when my life was falling apart and when everything was in place. It is relaxing and comforting to do something that is so routine. Years ago I gave up trying fancy stitches or making things that required more thought than simply going back and forth. This routine of it has comforted me as much as the gifts I am able to give others. 

When Ryan died I received a prayer blanket that someone had crocheted. Knowing that a stranger generously prayed for my family while working on this beautiful throw was a precious gift. I began using my crochet time to pray for the recipient of my craft. What a blessing to be able to pray for families who are bringing babies home or someone who is recovering from an illness or  loss of a loved one. I have been crocheting for a lifetime but combining crocheting with prayer has been such a bonus. 

This year I am all about the  warm, cozy, twist scarf. A couple years ago there were many babies born so everything I crocheted was pink and blue. The pictures of all those newborns on my blankets is overwhelming. I love that I crochet. So I will continue knowing this gift is for me even more than others. 

In Him,

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