Sunday, July 30, 2017

B Positve or B Negative, Do We Get to Choose?

B Positive
A life style or a blood type?
None of us would choose B negative, right? But unlike our blood type that we are born with and cannot change, our attitudes can be adjusted if we make the effort. Wouldn't we all say I want to be a positive person? No one consciously chooses to be the Negative Nancy in their workplace. But there always seems to be that one person that drags down the break room when she/he enters. Of course that was never me. Right! 

It is true blood type aside, even the most positive person has moments/days that they are in a foul mood or one too many people stepped on their world. But in general we all want to be someone who brightens a room when we walk in. Not the person others avoid by choking down their lunch in two bites so they can get back to their desk rather than listen to you. 

Ask yourself this the next time you sit down for a meal and a conversation. Are others leaving as I am entering a conversation? Do I spend more time pissing and moaning than speaking of the things that are going right in my life? Am I B positive or B negative to those around me? 

This idea came to me for a couple reasons. There is a diet that is blood type based. So you eat what is right for your specific blood type. Whether that works or not is not for me to determine. It got me thinking that we don't judge each other based on blood type like we do on more visible aspects of our being. But we could I guess. Because just like color of our skin there are blood types that are more rare and those that are more common. Should those with rare blood types be shunned as outsiders or held in high regard as the chosen ones? B positive, B negative, the blended AB and those O people just get along because we don't wear a tattoo on our forehead stating our type.  

I cannot choose my blood type~rare or common. I can choose to pay attention and stop myself when I am judging others with my negative attitudes that may be all wrong anyway. Those things that offend me are my issues not others to change. We all view life from our experiences and none of us ever truly walks in another's shoes. Except after a garage sale perhaps. But seriously, if I could change one thing about my type, it would be to live unoffended. What a positive life I would lead if I didn't let others offend me on purpose or simply by living their own lives. That would truly make me B positive.

In Him,

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