Friday, April 21, 2023

Who Says a Puppy isn’t the Perfect Gift? Glad Lis didn’t Buy into that!

It is one of life’s best moments when we find the perfect gift for someone. Just anticipating the moment they receive it and know just how much you know them and love them. Well, I sit hear one day with a calm, beautiful, loving, puppy at my feet after Lissa brought her to me yesterday. Corazon or Cora for short is the dog that I have been hoping for for the past three years. We lost our Kylie at age seventeen just over three years ago and our home has not been the same without her. 

The first thing Cora did when she got here was to be the vaccuum I so needed since I have Felix and Caleb in the house. A three year old drops food there is no denying that I don’t get out the broom everytimte to clean up. So Cora is already appreciated. She is just beautiful, eight months ole, the perfect size at twenty-five pounds and gorgeous. Ron and I both took her for separate walks yesterday and she doesn’t even need a leash. We had a beagle that loved to escape and run off following her nose. Chasing down a pooch is not my favorite activity. The fear of an escape and chase is almost as annoying as the chase itself. That Cora already knows her name and chooses to stay right with me is just perfect. 

There have been other perfect gifts in my life. Leona’s book that she made out of this blog about Ryan led to a ten year journey that now is on Amazon. Natalie has given me many over the years. I love my porcelain madonna with the newborn cradled in the mama’s lap. Jessica and Nicole gave me a pair of hearts that have a cross right in the middle. To me that is Ron and I with Christ in the center of our love story. The sweet notes, piece of spearmint gum from Aunt Judy in her card, phone calls and birthday cakes all let me know that I am loved. 

Cora is a perfect fit. I can’t even tell you just how seamlessly she is fitting into our home and routine. But the real gift in giving and receiving is the heart of the giver. Giving is far more rewarding than receiving. Knowing that you found that perfect touch that will remind them of you and your love for them is precious. 

I am so thankful that I get to live my life with others who love me and are in my life with a hug when I need it, a ride to Sonic just to chat, a walk to breakfast hand in hand or even a dog that will walk with us this morning and many mere . Ronnie B and I are so grateful for our family and friends and now for our Cora girl to share RV trips with, and yes even making our kitchen floor less crumby.  Thanks Elissa and each of you who gift me with your love and time. You are appreciated more than I say.

In Him,



1 comment:

  1. To add an adorable pup to your family, the best gift. I would always use her full name Corazon, it means so much. Happy birthday.
