Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Come on in my Refrigerator Peeps

 My house is full. I realize that the gift of others in my home is one I treasure. This week my son and daughter-in-love were here to say their goodbyes to her sweet mama. She is now seeing Jesus face to face and Bethany got to hold her hand as she moved into His arms. I am so blessed to have family and friends share my time and my space. Years ago, I wrote about refrigerator friends, those who come in and make themselves at home and even make me coffee while they get theirs. These are the people who know where to find what they need to feel like this is their home too. 

I can’t tell you how fortunate I am that during these quiet months of long covid I have not been alone but surrounded with the coming and goings of my favorite people. It isn’t necessary to call first just pop in and let’s catch up. Stop in and let me hold your wee one or get in the hot tub with my toddlers and their mamas. If nobody comes for coffee I can always head across the street to Jenn’s where Percy will bark while Cora wags her tail. Even dogs have different ways to connect. 

Earlier this year I was thinking that I isolate due to depression. My therapist told me to write down when and where I interact with others. What I discovered is that my life is filled with other people I enjoy. Even sitting at the park behind our house with my Ronnie B is more pleasant when others stroll over for a chat. Our community is such a friendly space. 

Recognizing how blessed I am with others has reframed my perspective. Now I embrace my alone time when I can spend time with Jesus or just play Wordle on my phone. My joy in quiet time is because I know that sometime soon my day will be filled with phone calls, texts and drop ins. Don’t ever underestimate how you gift someone else when you reach out and connect with them. 

Please know that you are welcome to make a cup of coffee or even do my dishes. Elaine Argo used to stop by and mop my floor. Guess she really felt at home or perhaps she was sticking to the kitchen floor where my four kiddos ate. Either way I love being a part of my community and welcoming them in.

In Him,



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