Sunday, December 24, 2023

Jesus is the Reason for the Season………….Actually You and I are

Warmth in my quiet time this morning has me reflecting on how this Christmas will unfold. The truth is that past Christmases have been a mix of sweet and family-filled but also aching for the presence of loved ones not sitting on the floor eating fresh cinnamon rolls. No presents under the tree for them since they would not be joining us this year. What I have come to understand is that I need to allow myself to grieve their absence while also embracing those who are present to receive their gifts from under the tree. 

This year will unfold just as it is supposed to. It looks like all my children except Dorothy and her crew will be in our sweet hometown. The details of who will be stopping by when or who will rest their head on which pillow is still being worked out. But that our house will be full is a given this year. I need to keep my phone close to capture as many moments as I can. 

It has been a minute since I have blogged. Some of you are aware that when I am doing well I blog but when life gets messy I blog as well. But this season has found me silent and I need to be more intentional about sharing my heart with you. This year was about releasing for me. My health made it impossible to keep up the pace I was living at. God has given me the word transparency for 2024 and I am curious how that will be. Perhaps that will include more writing and finally launching the podcast He has put on my heart to begin. Until then I will sit here with my coffee for a few minutes longer before getting tasks completed to welcome my kids, grandkids and greats home for Christmas. What I need to remember is that if I can’t do all things it will be okay. When I need to sit down or lay down even if everything is not finished it will still be okay. 

My hope is that you can have a love-filled season even if it is peppered with sadness and loss along with the love of others. Josh Howerton said this morning that we get it wrong when we say Jesus is the reason for the season. The truth is that each of us is the reason Jesus came as a baby lying in a manger and then hung on a cross to allow us to be near Him. His whole story is about wanting to redeem us to draw close to our Father. Even if you are eating alone this year I pray you know that because He lived you are never alone. Jesus is just a whisper away. Now that is worth celebrating. 

In Him,




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